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Our House Is On Fire! Go Vegan!

Our House Is On Fire! Go Vegan!

Go vegan for the planet.

#LIVE at the Global Climate Strike in Portland!! Just a few of us climate vegans here to spread the really, really inconvenient truth: that animal agriculture is the leading cause of climate change, deforestation, Amazon fires, ocean dead zone, and water pollution! But, almost nobody wants to talk about it!! Dani Rukin in the Pacific Northwest reporting for #JaneUnChained News. #ClimateStrike #ClimateMarch

Stop eating animals of the climate crisis upsets you.
Greta is a vegan! For the planet and animals.
How to stop 73% of the climate crisis: Go vegan. (According to a recent Oxford study.)
How to stop 73% of the climate crisis: Go vegan. (According to a recent Oxford study.)
Global Climate Strike in Portland. Act now. Go vegan.
“Our house is on fire!” Go Vegan for the planet.
Raising animals for food is a leading cause of the destruction of the planet.
Greta is a vegan! For the planet and animals.
Global climate strike in Portland.
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