Turn Your Passion Into Action!

Ever wonder how you can turn your passion for animals into action? Hear how Kathy, Amy, and Jenny did just that and how you can, too! Dani Rukin in Portland reporting for #JaneUnChained News.
Jenny McQueen has been an animal rights activist for over 20 years. She is a co-founder of Animal Rights Toronto, a core member of Direct Action Everywhere Toronto, and a volunteer with Anonymous for the Voiceless and The Save Movement. She is also the founder of #ZipOffTheCruelty – a campaign which educates on the horrors of the fur industry and collects donated fur to send to animal sanctuaries and rehabilitation centres for sick and orphaned animals. Jenny was the defendant in #PigTrial2, a court case where the investigative work and open rescue of a piglet by Direct Action Everywhere was hoping to challenge the “humane” and “well cared for” labels used by the animal agriculture industry and by supermarkets. All her charges were recently dropped.
Kathy Hessler is a clinical professor of law and the Director of the Animal Law Clinic and the Aquatic Animal Law Initiative, as well as the faculty advisor for the student animal legal defense and Animal Law Review at Lewis & Clark. She is the first faculty member hired to teach animal law full time in a law school.
Professor Hessler co-authored Animal Law in a Nutshell (with Pamela Frasch and Sonia Waisman), Animal Law – New Perspectives on Teaching Traditional Law (with Joyce Tischler, Pamela Hart, and Sonia Waisman) and the amicus brief (with Pamela Frasch and Megan Senatori) submitted in the US v. Stevens case, on behalf of 45 law professors who teach animal law. She has written numerous law review and other articles and teaches and lectures widely across the U.S. and internationally.
Professor Hessler was a board member with the Animal Legal Defense Fund; helped found the Animal Law Committee of the Cuyahoga County Bar; was the chair and a founder of the Animal Law Section and the Balance in Legal Education Section of the American Association of Law Schools (AALS). She was also a co-chair of the Clinical Legal Education Section of the AALS and is on the board of the Center for Teaching Peace.
Amy P. Wilson is the Aquatic Animal Law Initiative Fellow at the Center for Animal Law Studies where she focuses on regulation and legal protection for aquatic animals and assists with the Animal Law Clinic. Amy is the first South African attorney to graduate with a Master’s degree in Animal Law (Lewis & Clark Law School ’18). She has been involved in animal protection for a number of years and is a dedicated activist on animal, human, and environmental matters.
Amy is co-founder and director of the first organization dedicated to animal law in South Africa – Animal Law Reform South Africa. She is a trustee of the Humane Education Trust (HET) and works with Ban Animal Trading and other organizations to assist with legal and related matters. She is director and co-founder of the Coalition of African Animal Welfare Organisations (CAAWO) and Lawyers for Animal Protection in Africa (LAPA). Locally, Amy has worked with the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF), World Animal Protection (WAP), and Animal Equality (AE), researching and consulting on a broad variety of animal law and animal protection matters.