Cesar Asebedo reporting LIVE for JaneUnchained News Network at the 2-Year Anniversary vigil with The Animal Save Movement group Animal Alliance Network at a slaughterhouse near Downtown Los Angeles. For 2 years activists have been spending their Wednesday nights with this group raising awareness and helping give comfort to baby pigs by giving them water. This group alongside their fellow Animal Save Movement group Los Angeles Animal Save who recently celebrated 3 years of holding vigils, is here to keep taking a stand for these unfortunate beings in the hope their efforts will end the practice of killing other animals. Please share this LIVE and show everyone you know the truth they don’t want you to see!
Over 100 activists came to this milestone vigil! Several had not been to a vigil before. The local vegan businesses Just Vegana, Original Herbivore, Vegan Rob’s, and Vegan by Victoria’s all contributed by donating food to vigil-goers for a pre-vigil thank you event. Afterward, activists went to the vigil and gave water and comfort to hundreds of baby pigs who are 4-6 months old on average. Animal Alliance Network also had the privilege of having local National Public Radio affiliate KCRW‘s reporter, Angel Carreras, in attendance to do a piece about the vigil. Many of the activists are also fans of this station and were happy to see him come to help spread awareness of their efforts outside of the slaughterhouse.
This group has had its share of successes in 2019. They broke through the mainstream media with their sister The Animal Save Movement group Los Angeles Animal Save. Both groups were featured in the LA Times in a front-page article! Stories were also aired on several NBC channels, The Chicago Tribune, Spectrum 1 News, EFE News, Hoy Los Angeles. They even had reporters from Australia at the vigils. They also ran a successful print advertising campaign with 10K Advertising in Los Angeles consisting of a powerful photo masterfully photographed by Robert Sud of one of the pigs that said “I’M NOT FOOD.” Most recently the groups were featured on TFIL Network by Elton Castee in the mini-documentary, “Act of Mercy: The Truth About Your Meat.” It has received over 95K views!
Both groups are hopeful the momentum with the media will keep going along with more funding for outdoor advertising in 2020. They are excited that this Sunday Spectrum 1 News will be documenting the vigil with both groups in attendance. Both groups undeniably owe their success to the faithful activists that have attended their vigils every Wednesday and every Sunday for the past few years. Without these activists, they would not be able to keep fighting for change. The vigils will continue to happen until these pigs are no longer on these trucks. Hopefully, people will realize that in order to live in harmony with other beings, they can’t buy products made from their bodies.
The slaughterhouse representatives are invited on to respond at any time.