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Fitness Experts Reveal Top Tips for The New Year

Woman in the gym lifts a broccoli in the form of a dumbbel

Three fitness experts give tips to get ripped in 2023

Sport Woman Holding Smoothie Bowl
Concept Of Diet, Proper Nutrition And Health. By di media via Adobe Stock Images

Los Angeles, December 25, 2022 11 pm — The holidays inundate us with high-calorie, high-fat, highly addictive, comfort foods… and we enjoy every last bite. However, those traditional, festive meals often leave us with a psychological hangover and a scale tipping in the wrong direction. But, Don’t panic. We got you!

UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell  found three leading fitness experts who reveal their secret strategies for keeping their bodies ripped year round.  Dr. Shabnam Islam, Sherri Johnson, and Beth Shaw are all fitness experts who have three things in common: they are in tip top physical shape, they are all educators who train others, and they all advocate eating plant-based as part of a fitness regimen.  You can watch the entire conversation here:

First Fitness Tip: Eat a Plant-Based Diet

Dr Shabnam Islam
Dr Shabnam Islam

Dr. Shabnam Islam is a first-generation Bangladeshi-American vegan and vKind’s  official spokesperson. A true leader in the health and fitness industry, Dr. Islam is a Professor of Kinesiology, Clinical Exercise Physiologist, television host, and spokesperson for health-based projects across the country. She also hosts the amazing first all-vegan cooking competition PEELED, now streaming on UnchainedTV. Dr. Islam’s first tip for health and fitness? Eat a whole food, plant-based diet, filled with mostly unprocessed vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and fruits. She points out that the plant-based message is baked into every second of PEELED, “I feel very lucky to be part of a TV series that really highlights veganism. It was a vegan cast and crew, from judges, to hosts, to our contestants, to even our craft services. We’re trying to show people you can combat major health disparities and ailments, with a proper plant-based diet.  You don’t have to give up anything to eat vegan, to eat plant-based, and still enjoy your food — and still get all the health benefits of it.”


Second Tip: Get Off the Couch!


Beth Shaw
Beth Shaw

Beth Shaw is a pioneer in the Wellness, Yoga & Fitness space in North America. She is the author of four bestselling books on Wellness, and her first book, YogaFit, has sold over 100,000 units worldwide. In 1994, she founded the global mind-body education school, YogaFit, which has since certified over 500,000 instructors. She believes in empowering cultures and sharing the gift of yoga beyond borders. She also founded a non-profit organization, Visionary Women in Fitness, which awards scholarships to women worldwide. Shaw also hosts the Make America Healthy Show on VoiceAmerica Radio.

She explains her first principle of fitness: MOVE! Consuming conventional news media that is always telling us to be afraid of something is leading to more depression and disease. People are sitting for hours and hours. They are watching too much Netflix and social media. They are just not moving their bodies and, quite frankly, I think we have lost the consciousness and the discipline that it really takes to maintain a healthy, fit body. And consciousness also goes into eating a plant-based diet. We have a crisis of consciousness right now in the United States.”

See Also

Third Tip: Minimum 30 Minute Workouts Daily

Sherri Johnson
Sherri Johnson

Sherri Johnson is a certified personal trainer with over 15 years of experience and the co-host of the hit cooking series, Plant-Based in the Burbs, now streaming on UnchainedTV. She acquired her BS in Business Management and is about to re-launch her fitness brand, W29 Activewear. Johnson says 30 minutes a day of physical activity is the minimum for anyone who dreams of becoming fit.  “You can work out in your home, you need no equipment. Your body is made to be in motion, and you can use your body to do whatever you need to do to exercise. Even if you want to just go for a walk. You can walk around your house if it’s too cold to go outside. There really are no excuses.”

Their Workout Regimens

Jene Velez Mitchel talking to vegan fitness experts
Jene Velez-Mitchell talking to vegan fitness experts

Jane asked her three fitness experts about their own exercise routines. Dr. Islam said, “I love outdoor cycling. I love getting some vitamin D and some fresh air. It’s just a really good way for me to de-stress. And, I get my cardiovascular training, anywhere between three and four days a week. Also, strength training anywhere between two and four days a week.”

Beth Shaw has a fascinating daily routine: “I have a rescue dog, so we spend a lot of time walking every day. I weight train probably four times a week and I do some cardio here and there, maybe two or three times a week. Also, I try to do 30 minutes of fasting cardio with my sauna suit on, old school. I do intermittent fasting, so, that means that I’m doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. And I do yoga, standing on my head at least ten minutes a day, every day, with my red light in my face to improve mitochondrial production.”

Sherri Johnson’s fitness routine is the following: “I’m up at 4:45 every morning. The first thing I consume is water. I do have a cup of coffee because I do have a busy schedule early morning. But, in between, I go out and I put in my 30 minutes. This is something that I really believe. Getting people to move and get started because, really, you don’t need two hours in the gym to see results. I do maybe three to four days of strength training. I do love weights. My cardio is jump-roping.”

“The easiest way to get there is to just do the work, to eat well, and to exercise.” — Dr. Shabnam Islam, vegan fitness expert

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