Direct Action Everywhere – DxE

Holiday Survivors: 100 Turkeys Spared from Slaughter!

#JaneUnChained #LIVE at a massive factory farm in Utah that breeds turkeys! Six Direct Action…

Animal Rights Movement Explodes Across The Globe!

Hundreds “Die-In” In Downtown Salt Lake City For Animal Rights! The official animal rights march LIVE…

The Largest Cube of Truth Ever in Utah!

#JaneUnChained #LIVE at the largest Cube of Truth ever in Utah! Direct Action Everywhere –…

“‘Humane’ Meat Is a LIE. Animals Still Suffer and DIE!” Is These Protesters Message!

  Protesters demonstrate outside supermarket chain to show people there is no such thing as…

Students Protest Campus Slaughterhouse!

#JaneUnChained is LIVE at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo, California, as…

London March! Make Choices That Liberate You!

The Official Animal Rights March – London did not disappoint. The animal rights movement is…