Holiday Survivors: 100 Turkeys Spared from Slaughter!
by Ellen Dent
November 20, 2018
#JaneUnChained #LIVE at a massive factory farm in Utah that breeds turkeys! Six Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) activists and actor James Cromwell are leading a rescue of 100 turkeys who would otherwise be slaughtered for Thanksgiving as tens of millions of others are! Hundreds of activists are here from all around the world to witness this historical moment! Please share this video!
The four activists that bring out the first turkeys have risked their freedom to get to this point. They were facing multiple felonies for breaking Ag-Gag laws, and showing what they describe as animal cruelty in the slaughterhouse. Thankfully they were able to reach plea deals and the charges will be dropped. Miraculously, the same facility agreed to release 100 turkeys in the holiday spirit. If this isn’t a sign of change, we don’t know what is. Hopefully one day we will be able to end the slaughter of the other 47 million turkeys that are killed for Thanksgiving dinners yearly!
“We don’t have to kill to celebrate and give thanks,” Jane explains. There are many different options besides eating these sweet sentient creatures or any animals or animal products. There are wonderful brands like Gardein, Tofurky, and so many others that offer amazing alternatives to animal products. Let animals live by leaving them off your plate. Choose compassion this Thanksgiving and celebrate ThanksLIVING instead! We can save these animals by decreasing demand for their deaths at the grocery store. Thank you to this farm for sparing the lives of these turkeys. You have set a precedent for peace for all of these creatures one day!
Any animal agriculture/meat company representatives are invited on any time to respond!
Jane Velez-MItchell and the Dani Rukin reporting for JaneUnchained News Network.
Photos courtesy of Jane Velez-MItchell and Dani Rukin.
Report Edited by Ellen Dent.
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