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The new millennial group Collectively Free invaded a Midtown Manhattan Whole Foods this past weekend and conducted extraordinary street theater right in front of the massive meat counter, stopping shoppers in their tracks. Then they marched through the store and topped it off with a protest outside the store. Their message? There is no such thing as humane meat, something Whole Foods is really pushing right now. In their street theater actors/protesters turn the tables and ask humans if it would okay to kill them if they were raised humanely. It was a show-stopping performance that is definitely food for thought. #swapspeciesism. Check it out and you decide. DO YOU THINK THERE IS REALLY SUCH A THING AS HUMANE MEAT? We simply put the video together to explain their message. Their website is really interesting. Check it out. But watch this video first.
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  • powerful, I agree totally if we don’t respect the animals we will never have justice in the planet.
    Thank you well done

  • What if you have pets like cats or dogs and feed them regular pet food? what then? if meat in stores stops, if ever animal deserves to be free – what do you feed the pets? death of cows, pigs will happen as the desire for humans to have animals in all quarters of their lives – food, pets, comfort – substitute relationships or companion. All these areas need to be changed – humans need to change on all levels.

    • True ,reenter the paradise garden,without guard or hunting dogs,no need for mousers cats either,course if u don’t grow grains u won’t have mice etc,in Saharasia we see humans were forced to eat animals n it was exhausting dangerous n dirty work for survival in deserts of snow or sand,now in nondeserts ,academia sponsored human slaves to be tortured n die,in animal n slaughterers greed industry,including 4-H club child workers born into the families these industries,eat linden leaves n heartnut s,,not heartworms from pigs,keep on
      Eat heartnut s,not heartworms,great poster

  • I don’t understand why people keep blaming suppliers. Suppliers are just meeting demand. The non-vegan public create demand. That should be their target for vegan education. But both these groups refuse to mention veganism and that means that most of the public will default to welfare or some other confused speciesist response.
    There’s no such thing as “humane” animal products, that’s very true, but by highlighting Whole Foods, it’s as if CF and DxE expect Whole Foods to do something about this. They’re not going to do anything about this, and what could they do? Doesn’t matter Whole Food suppliers put all the animals to bed individually and sang them to sleep, it’s not HOW we use animals that is the issue, it’s THAT we use them that is the problem. Suppliers are just meeting demand. The non-vegan public create demand for animal use. The campaign against these suppliers and these groups refusing to mention veganism is wrongheaded. Sorry.
    Direction Action Everywhere (DxE): Welfarist or Abolitionist?

  • We’ll done and thank you for speaking up for the voiceless and end the slaughter of animals for food. Grow a conscience and put yourselves in their place. Animals are here to be with us , not for us to abuse, eat and torture in the many sickening disgusting ways which leaders don’ have the courage and decency to end!

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