What You Didn't Know: What Was Going on Outside of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show?
February 18, 2015
JaneUnChained Exclusive: Protest outside the famed Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Demonstrators in cages say the show promotes breeding while millions of homeless dogs are killed for lack of good homes. I went inside to the press office for comment and they insisted they promote responsible breeding and suggested I to talk to people attending. So, I did. Demonstrators counter there is no such thing as responsible breeding. Here’s the story.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
Jane this was a great video and I so appreciate you getting it done and to all of us. I shared yesterday… Keep on doing what you are sister cause you are making a huge difference in garnering more attention for our animals. Bless you and Donna and the rest of your team for all you do… mgf