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How Would You Like a Taste of Israel?
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How Would You Like a Taste of Israel? travels to Israel to experience the fabulous food revolution in full swing there. It’s beyond delicious and it’s good for everyone: people, the planet.. and.. yes… the animals. Donna, my girlfriend, and I visit several of Tel Aviv’s top vegan and vegetarian restaurants. We also meet some of Israel’s political elite, including the super popular Tzipi Livni, who could become Prime Minister. She tells why she’s a vegetarian!  We also dine with leaders of Israel’s animal rights movement, specifically Ronen Bar and Hilla Keren of Anonymous for Animal Rights. Watch and you will feel like you just went on a foodie’s vacation to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem!
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  • Jane have you seen this?EVERYONE has heard of Tyson Foods chicken…
    There were workers throwing birds, ripping birds’ heads off, & even urinating on the slaughter line:

  • I have working and trying to help my organizations and groups to stop the wild horse roundups.
    The BLM has over 58,000 horse’s in BLM Holding facilities. Some of horse’s are in poor conditions . Palomino Valley Facility in Nevada is the worst. No wind breaks or shelters. Two weeks ago thesee horse’s had to endure 52 to 70 miles per winds. Blowing sand in their eyes and faces. Blowing tumble weeds that hurt when they come in contact with a object.
    Hay is thrown on manure.
    They are exposed to cold winds, high winds, snow, freezing cold conditions and have to stand in the blaming heat in the summer and horse’s have died due to this neglect.
    Nevada has refused to build any wind breaks or shelters.
    Some very popular horse’s group are being threatened and targeted for total zero out populations.
    Pryor Mountain Horse’s are in eminent danger of zero out population. These horse’s are very popular on PBS and some other groups also. These horse’s groups have been regulars, stories, and documentaries.
    I sent PBS a comment that they needed to step up and help to save these horse’s.
    Horse supporters numbers have grown to huge levels.
    We are tired of the BLM and our U.S. Government turning a blind eye and ignoring the American public.
    When are going to any reports on these horse’s.
    They are time is running out.
    The American Wild Horse has been targeted for extinction.

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