"I am Cecil" Compassion Campaign Seeks to Stop All Animal Slaughter

Here is the latest from TheirTurn.net:
In the past couple of days, millions of people on social media, who don’t normally address animal cruelty, have expressed sorrow and outrage about the murder of Cecil, the beloved lion in Zimbabwe. While we have people’s attention, how can we tap into these powerful emotions to awaken them to the plight of other animals who are equally deserving of a life free from harm? How can we help people connect the dots between Cecil, who endured 40 hours of agony, and the billions of farm animals whose entire lives are consumed by suffering?
Please use this rare moment in time when the world is paying attention to ensure that Cecil did not die in vain and that his murder is a wake-up call to the millions of people who have not made the connection between the animals we love – like lions, whales and dogs – and the animals we consume. They are all the same.
One easy way to help people make the connection is to share these images on Facebook and convey your thoughts about why farm animals deserve to live in peace just as much as Cecil.
What's Your Reaction?
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
Heartbreaking! Check out my blog, and raise awareness. Animal cruelty must stop!! https://roarforserenity.wordpress.com/
Cecil The Loin Was Not a Vegan!
So he needed die according to all you wackos!
No, Caveman, lions kill to survive since they need to eat meat. We don’t and shouldn’t. Time to evolve.