"Vegan" Ellen Sells Leather: Huh? Jane Makes an On Camera Plea to Ellen: #EllenNoLeather
September 22, 2015

How the “Vegan” Ellen DeGeneres leather scandal erupted! Jane Velez-Mitchell and Their Turn’s Donny Moss interview the woman who broke the story, independent journalist/activist Carole Davis. And, Jane and Donny issue an on camera plea to Ellen DeGeneres and push new hashtag ‪#‎EllenNoLeather‬. Watch and sign the petition: http://chn.ge/1VXOwct
JaneUnChained reached out to ED by Ellen for comment and did not hear back. We will update if and when we do.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
I am totally SHOCKED, HORRIFIED – has prestige, more money, WHAT has gone to her head to bring this sudden change on – has it become more important than the animals that she has represented for so long ?! I just don’t get it !? Easy to slip into a pair of shoes that are leather – going INTO A SHOE LEATHER BUSINESS is a whole different thing ( well thought out for sure ! ) Did anyone check out the sweaters she has on sale there , any angora ? Any wool ? !!! Hummmm Go Stella McCartney, her I will always trust – but this is extremely worrying – how did she get so far into this mess ? Thank you all for exposing this.
Mary Alice, Cornwall’s Voice for Animals UK
Thanks Jane & all who have brought this to light ?! I’m really troubled and saddened that Ellen DeGeneres would go this route. I’m so confused as to how one can unsee the cruelty in everyday life for those that aren’t conscious.