Blackfish Two??? We can always hope!
Breaking News: The New York Times reports “SeaWorld Stake, Long Held by Blackstone, Is Sold to Chinese Firm.” The NYT notes the theme park became “…a major headache: dealing with the repercussions of Blackfish, a searing documentary that castigated SeaWorld’s treatment of orca whales in captivity. Now Blackstone is finally free of that burden. On Friday, the company sold its stake in SeaWorld to Zhonghong Group, a Chinese investment firm, for about $449 million. The deal will pave the way for SeaWorld to open parks in China” Ugh. One week before this stunner broke, #JaneUnChained spoke with Blackfish Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite. She said more needs to be done to help orcas trapped in parks.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
this is terrible news. There is no Animal Welfare oversight in China and little Veterinary Care. The orcas are just Commodities to them and they don’t care what happens because they can always buy more.