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Two Petitions To Sign For Animals

Two Petitions To Sign For Animals

Rodeo at Salinas

We know that many things have to change. We also know that many things are changing. Here is a  petition that correspondent Elysabeth Alfano believes in. Please sign if you agree. The details are in each link.

Sign to Stop Cruel, Illegal Bull-Baiting at California Rodeo in Salinas. While you are at it, sign every rodeo petition that comes your way. As we gear up to ban fur in the state of California, rodeos and any and all torture of animals for public entertainment must end. You won’t believe the government officals and businesses that supported this event. Please sign.

Sign to Reunite Luna the Coyote with her Rescuer Tomi Tranchita.   According to Ms. Tranchita, after a raid of 6 officials with guns, 3 rescue coyotes are dead and the lone survivor has been confiscated.  This violence comes from just outside of Chicago and traumatized Ms. Tranchita is devastated.  Click the above link to read the unbelievable details as told by Ms. Tranchita and to sign the petition.

We will be posting more petitions that we believe in in the future. Stay tuned and thank you for caring about animals!

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