Protesters And Rodeo-Goers Clash At Rodeo Parade!
by Dani Rukin
March 3, 2018
Demonstrators out in full force at crowded rodeo parade with the message, “Rodeos are a tradition of violence.” Watch as hundreds of horses are made to dance and prance on the streets of downtown Houston for entertainment. Rodeo reps are invited on #JaneUnChained any time to respond.
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A sickening celebration of speciesism, brainwashing and power assertion. All out in plain view. At least it appeared as though the protesters were beginning to get through to that family, so GOOD JOB, ACTIVISTS! Each and every one of you did an amazing job.
~ A brilliant expose on this rodeo parade ~ Excellent activism ~ Q&A’s and interactions with on lookers ~ Patience and direct facts are always good tools and you all were incredible holding your own with all of these folks in Houston ~ Very happy to share this ~ Great work Everyone ~ Tweeted and shared ~ Bless each and every one of you for being a voice ~ mgf