Texas Cattle Ranchers Go Vegan!
by Dani Rukin
March 4, 2018

As seen on CBS, ABC, One Green Planet, The Dodo, and many others, meet Rowdy Girl, Renee, and her husband, Tommy, and hear how they are on a mission to convert other ranchers to transition from raising animals for food to other more sustainable and life-enhancing livelihoods while helping them go vegan! Take a LIVE tour of the beautiful Rowdy Girl Sanctuary and meet the animals who will melt your heart. For more on how you can get involved, and to watch their new short documentary film, Ranch Rescue, as well as many other heart-warming videos of their sanctuary and the animals who live there, go to rowdygirlsanctuary.org. “Texas is going vegan. Please don’t have a cow.” ?

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About time that these farmers got on the wagon to save the planet not destroy it. How can they say that they are stewards of the land when they were destroying the land?
~ I absolutely love these folks Tommy and Renee Sonnen and Rowdy Girl Sanctuary ~ They are why the world is healing one ranch at a time ~ Bless these people and all they’re doing to educate and create awareness for the compassion of all Animals ~ My heaven on Earth is RGS ~ mgf