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Gettin’ Rowdy with Renee Cooking Beyond Sausage!

Gettin’ Rowdy with Renee Cooking Beyond Sausage!

Beyond sausage is so good even Tommy gets on camera to eat it!
LunchBreakLIVE in the Rowdy Kitchen with Renee King-Sonnen and her husband Tommy, serving up some Beyond Meat Sausage Hot Dogs with all the fixin’s and some homemade barbecue beans! When cattle ranchers go vegan anyone can. We just launched our RAP Summit 2020 and we will be telling you all about it. With ThanksLiving right around the corner, Sealy, their “house turkey,” will be joining us!
“Rowdy Girl” the cow that captured Renee’s heart and started it all!

Renee and her husband, Tommy, are considered “climate change refugees” because they left an industry that causes planetary destruction to a peaceful healing industry that saves animals. They started by rescuing several animals from neighboring sanctuaries because the ranchers felt empathy for these animals and they wanted to see them cared for instead of killed. Recently, she and Tommy had to move their whole sanctuary after experiencing a disastrous flood. Despite the setback, they are still helping other ranchers change their ranches to sanctuaries and cruelty-free businesses. You can help them on their mission by donating on their website!

Renee and Tommy are living examples of how people can completely change their lives compassion for all creatures in mind!

Today, Renee and Tommy are dishing up some Beyond Meat Sausages and some barbecue beans. As expected from a woman who never has a bland moment, her hot dogs are spicy! She and Tommy under supervision by Sealy, make this whole meal in no time at all. The taste testers Tommy and Celeste gear up for a taste. Tommy, who is usually camera-shy, got on the show for the Beyond Sausage! Tommy slathers his with Vegenaise from Follow your Heart! Before he and Celeste can get a bite Sealy steals their moment and gets her organic grapes! Tommy finally gets a bite and gives the Beyond Sausage creation his nod of approval! Try making it all at home with Renee’s Rowdy Recipe below!

Come to the 2020 RAP Summit!

Visit the Rowdy Girl Sanctuary website here to learn more, donate, or sponsor an animal!

Renee King-Sonnen reporting LIVE for JaneUnchained News Network!

See Also
HOT for Food’s Lauren Toyota

Jeri Devereaux on camera.

Renee and Tommy celebrate 5 years of compassion!


Rowdy Girl Beyond Sausages and Beans!
(2) Beyond Meat Sausages packages
(1) Nature’s own 8 Hot Dog Buns 100% Whole Wheat bread
(2) Cans of Organic Pinto beans
(1) Cup of chopped up pickles to share
Mustard for preference
Vegan Mayonnaise for preference
(2/3) Cup of purple onions chopped
(1) Tbsp of Brookshire Brothers Hot Sauce – Any vegan hot sauce of preference is fine
(2) Tsp of HQO Organic grounded paprika
(1/2) Tsp of 365 Everyday Value Organic  Cumin
(1) Tbsp of  Evolution Himalayan salt – Use as preferred
(2) Tbsp Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning Salute
(2/3) Cup Vegan BBQ Sauce
First thing you do is put your hot dog buns in the oven for about 15 min on  a low setting
While that is being warmed up go ahead and open up your Beyond meat Sausages and add into Skillet on medium temperature – No oil is necessary
Once the sausages are  warming up and cooking – Flip once it’s at your preference of being cooked – We wait till it’s a little crispy
While those are cooking and the Hot dogs buns are still warming up – Lets prep the beans!


Barbecue Beans:
Here is the Step-by-step to make beans
Add 2 cans of Organic Pinto beans into 2 Quart saucepan
Get some good Vegan BBQ sauce and pour – 2/3 to 1/2 a cup into the beans
Add 2 Tbsp of Paprika
Add Himalayan salt for preference – We add about 2 Tbsp
Add 1/2 Tsp 365 Everyday Value Organic Cumin
2-3 Tbsp Trader Joe seasoning – season to desire
2/3 cups of chopped purple onions
1 Tbsp Brookshire Hot sauce – Your Fave Vegan Hot sauce will suffice
Put on heat and cook it or medium/high heat
While the beans are now cooking make sure to keep an eye on the hot dog buns in the oven – flip over to get other side
Check on Beyond meat Sausages and flip as desired cooking taste – Again, we enjoyed Crispy
The first set of  Beyond meat Sausages should be done  by this time – Go ahead and put them to the side to cool off
By this time the hot dog buns should be warm enough – Take them out to cool
Keep checking on beans and add seasonings to preference based on flavor
Go ahead and add your Beyond meat Sausages to your hot dog buns
Dress to preference with Vegan Mayo, Mustard, Pickles, and  purple Onions
After about 10-15 min of your beans cooking they should be done – Please cook to preference
Add your delicious cooked organic pinto beans on the side or on top of your Beyond meat sausage hot dog for a chili dog style vegan hot dog!
Enjoy and KEEP IT ROWDY in the kitchen ❤
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