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BREAKING: Tofurky Sells Its 6-Millionth Cruelty-Free Roast
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BREAKING: Tofurky Sells Its 6-Millionth Cruelty-Free Roast

Tofurky Founder, Seth Tibbott and Elysabeth Alfano

Here is a bit of good news!  Tofurky just sold its 6-millionth cruelty-free roast! Sales for 2020 are up 22%! Get yourselves a scrumptuous roast by Tofurky this holiday season or dive in and make Elysabeth Alfano’s plant-based Stuffed Turkey Breast.  Delish!

In honor of Tofurky Founder Seth Tibbot and as a celebration of their incredible news, we re-run Elysabeth’s interview with Seth from last year in which the two talk Thanksgiving!

From 1980-1995, Seth Tibbot made tempeh and lived in a treehouse. Without much financial success, he decided to do something about the 46 million Turkeys that are killed every year in the name of ‘gratitude’, ‘thanks’ and ‘tradition.’  Tofurky was born! In truth, Seth is the founder of more than Tofurky. He is one of the key foundational bricks upon which the current plant-based movement was built.

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Alice & Friends owner Mun Wong in the kitchen.

Tofurky Founder, Seth Tibbott, and Elysabeth Alfano.

In this interview, Seth dishes with correspondent Elysabeth Alfano about his humble beginnings, the future of food, the changing landscape of agriculture, and the secret weapon of vegans! Didn’t realize you were a superhero? Seth sets you straight!  Listen in! For more information, visit and

Tofurky Founder, Seth Tibbott and Elysabeth Alfano hanging with animals
Seth Tibbott and Elysabeth Alfano hanging with animals!

Elysabeth Alfano is the host of The Awesome Vegans Influencer Series and the Plantbased Business Hour, airing every Tuesday and Thursday at 1p PT on Jane Unchained News.  She is also the Founder of Plant Powered Consulting, helping vegan brands increase brand awareness and sales.  Follow her at @ElysabethAlfano on socials and find more information here.

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