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Heat Wave Crisis: Showing Mercy to Thirsty Pigs Bound for Slaughter!

Heat Wave Crisis: Showing Mercy to Thirsty Pigs Bound for Slaughter!

#JaneUnChained LIVE outside a pig slaughterhouse near downtown LA! Imagine these poor, innocent babies – only about 6 months old – trucked for hundreds of miles without food or water in the middle of a searing heat wave! Los Angeles Animal Save organizes this vigil. You are invited to join.

The Save Movement is a global movement with thousands of vigils outside slaughterhouses around the world! The Save Movement was founded by Anita Krajnc, a Phd from Toronto who was arrested and put on trial for giving water to a pig bound for slaughter. Her mission is to create a vigil outside of every slaughterhouse in the world. Currently, there are more than 450 local vigil groups from Latin America to North America to Europe and beyond. You can start a vigil in your community by contacting The Save Movement.


See Also
Pig at Porgreg farm in Canada

Two of Hollywood’s biggest movie stars, Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara, attend the pig vigils to support the cause and comfort pigs bound for slaughter.


The Save Movement co-founder Anita Krajnc is in the center flanked by Ellen Dent of Animal Alliance Network and activist Summer Chacon.


One of the innocent beings who needlessly suffer and die for human consumption, despite many healthier, plant-based alternatives.
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