Animal Agriculture

Plant Based Treaty Launches Globally. Genesis Butler endorses it!
Plant Based Treaty Launches Globally

The Plant Based Treaty Launched on August 31st, 2021 People in cities around the world are hearing a brand new phrase that may well help the human race survive climate change! The Plant Based Treaty is modeled on the popular Fossil Fuel Treaty.

Wildfires in Malibu
IPCC Report: Go Vegan for Climate

The Earth Is in Trouble: Going Vegan Is the Solution! Very few of us are actually going to read the acronym-filled 3,949 page report issued on Monday, August 9th, 2021 by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, entitled Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis.

plant based treaty logo
Plant Based Treaty = Climate Solution!

Get Ready to Sign the Plant Based Treaty!  The Plant Based Treaty is a solution that comes just in the nick of time… we hope. And, the good news is: YOU can be part of it, just by signing on.  As we doom-scroll on our laptops and phones, nervously reading about the global wildfires, floods, drought, and paralyzing heat, it’s tempting to view ourselves as pure victims.

Tens of thousands of wild horses languish in packed government holding pens and often end up slaughtered in violation of the law.
End Wild Horse Roundups by US Government!

 Wild Horse Roundups Need to STOP Now! By Craig C Downer, wildlife ecologist and wild horse and burro advocate  America’s wild horses have been betrayed by our own government, which is working for the cattle industry and ignoring the will of the people, who overwhelmingly love wild horses.  The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 (WFHBA) is supposed to protect America’s wild horses.

Head shots of the 10 panellist of the RAP Summit
Summit to Switch from Animal to Veganic Farming

The International Summit to Transition Beyond Animal Agriculture  How can ranchers and farmers thrive on their land without using animals? In the face of excruciating heat, floods, and global wildfires, this is the most crucial question of our lives. Industrialized animal agriculture is destroying the planet before our eyes.

Climate change fires
Climate Emergency Reality Check: A Shocking Expert Interview!

Dr. Peter Carter’s Wakeup Call Everyone Must Hear! In November 2020, Roger Hallam, one of the founders of Extinction Rebellion, interviewed climate expert Dr Peter Carter. JaneUnChained editor Jane Velez-Mitchel asked me to review the 40-minute abridged video of this interview, as I did with Greta Thunberg’s latest film.

The Inevitable Rise of Vegan Political Parties

THE TIME OF VEGAN POLITICAL PARTIES HAS ARRIVED Veganism is a socio-political movement and, as such, is part of the political world. Although there have been parties with some vegan-friendly policies and attitudes, only recently have fully vegan political parties begun to appear.

Screenshot of Greta Thunberg looking at the camera with three interconnected symbols representing the earth, health and ecology
Greta Thunberg’s Film Tells Us to Go Vegan

GRETA THUNBERG’S NEW FILM ABOUT OUR FOOD SYSTEM The new Greta Thunberg film is finally spelling it out to all environmentalists who follow her: if you really care about the Earth, go vegan. On May 22nd, 2021, Biodiversity Day, the organization Mercy for Animals launched a new film called For Nature.

Protesters at Fox News Headquarters in Manhattan.

 MEDIA REFUSES TO REPORT ANIMAL ABUSE LINK TO PANDEMICS Global protests across 60 cities and 20 countries. Sounds pretty major, right? Sounds pretty newsworthy, right? Activists from across the globe are out on the streets begging the mainstream media to make the connection: animal exploitation causes pandemics.

The U.S. Capitol building in Washington DC.
Help Us Hire Vegan Lobbyists NOW!

YOU CAN HELP HIRE VEGAN LOBBYISTS If you really want to create change, a great place to start is inside the U.S. Capitol building, talking to members of Congress and their staff. Now, there’s an ambitious plan to get pro-vegan lobbyists into the halls of Congress to counteract the enormous power of the meat/dairy and pharmaceutical industries.