13 BEARS RESCUED FROM BILE FARMS DESPERATELY NEED HELP! Last week, over four days, Animals Asia’s Vietnam team rescued 13 bears – closing down six bear bile farms in the Halong Bay area in the process. Together, these rescued bears had spent over a hundred years in cages.
A hundred years. Nothing but pain. No nourishing food. No space to stretch weak limbs. No friends to play with. Nowhere to climb. No view. No hope.These bears didn’t even have names. Now they are Cinnamon, Angelica, Cinta, Shanti, Bao, Kujira, Gizmo, Sunny, Kane, Fluffy, Hatu, Bi Do and Lucky. Sadly a 14th rescue was prevented – but they will be back.The 13 bears were collected from 10 locations around Quang Ninh province, where the authorities have agreed to place all 30 bears still on farms there into our care.We will not forget the other 17, but these first “lucky 13” are a reminder that there can be happy endings. I believe that animal lovers are now the majority, and increasingly people everywhere, like you, are committing to personal pledges to make change and live cruelty-free lives. DONATE PLEASE HERE:…/vn-rescue/vn_rescue_eng_usd…
Please, be a part of this historic rescue – that sees so much hope and optimism for the remaining bears on farms. Please give what you can, and if you don’t already, please consider donating monthly with a gift that literally means the world to these bears. Together we are changing their lives.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
Hi Jane,
We met at AR but never connected to shoot video about our Vegan Angel Project.
What’s your address? I’d like to send you sample meals.
And we’ll be doing a big announcement later this fall.