These Chimps in Liberia Have Protesters Descending on Park Avenue! WATCH & FIND OUT WHY!

Animal lovers converged on the Park Avenue home of the Chairman of the Board of the New York Blood Center, loudly protesting the NYBC’s decision to stop paying for the care and feeding of 66 chimpanzees in Liberia from a colony the NYBC used in research for decades.
The NYBC claims “the animals are owned by the Liberian government, and their officials have repeatedly acknowledged that they have responsibility for the care of the chimpanzees.” Critics, including Jane Goodall & the Humane Society of the United States, have said the NYBC left the chimps’ survival to chance, essentially letting them starve to death. They are on islands with little to no natural food and water and are completely dependent on their caretakers. The HSUS has stepped in temporarily. Critics urge you to call the NYBC at: 212.683.8100. Video edited by Donna Dennison.
HSUS is raising money to fill the gap and provide food and water. HSUS statement: “It is appalling that the New York Blood Center is trying to wipe its hands of any responsibility for this colony of chimpanzees that they created and used for their own profit. The Liberian government and the animal welfare community cannot take on the financial burden of caring for these creatures, and they shouldn’t have to. The NYBC has hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue every year and is fully capable of supporting these chimpanzees. We have repeatedly reached out to the Center to find a long-term solution, but all of our requests have been ignored. The NYBC cannot simply walk away and forget about these chimpanzees.”
[polldaddy poll=8940033]
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
what the Blood Center is doing is unconscionable. I am sending a donation to help now but they are shirking their responsibility.
NYBC should reinstate chimp funding immediately.
These people are a shame to humanity. Maybe something should happen to all these people who have no care for these animals. place them on an island with no food and water and let us watch them suffer. I would be the first on the front row to watch. Cruel bastards, that’s what I call them.
I don’t love the idea of these polls because I know NYBC has hired a PR agency – they have been quickly deleting any messages about the chimps on their website and I am betting they will have their own people submit fake votes to skew the poll results.
I meant to say on their Facebook page (not their website) in the comment above