H.O.P.E. Healthy, Organic, Positive Eating
July 5, 2017

Lisa Karlan and Gwenna Hunter are feasting on healthy, organic, vegan food at HOPE Organic Kitchen in Studio City, California #LunchBreakLIVE #JaneUnChained Please note that HOPE will be closed from July 4 through July 20 for remodeling.
Crispy Seaweed Quinoa Rolls – Nori rolls stuffed with organic quinoa, black soybean tofu, shiitake mushrooms, & carrots served with tahini & sweet sesame sauce
Beefless Jerky – Soy beef marinated with traditional thai sauce
LT: Clockwise from top: Beefless Jerky, Crispy Seaweed Quinoa Roll, Curry Dumpling, Kale & Curry Quinoa Salad, Crispy Chicken in Sweet & Sour Sauce
Top RT: Curry Dumplings – Dumpling, carrots, beets, salsa, cilantro in green curry
Bottom RT: Kale & Curry Quinoa Salad – Organic kale, curry quinoa, beets, red onion, sliced raw almonds, dried cranberries, lemon zest tossed in a peanut dressing
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Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
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