Trainer to the Stars Reveals Secret Sauce

John Pierre Vegan Nutrition & Fitness Consultant to the stars, including Ellen DeGeneres & Pamela Anderson, reveals the secrets of Chef AJ‘s, succulent Yummy Sauce that will change your life! Find John Pierre at: Buy the glass straw and other items at: #LunchBreakLiVE #JaneUnChained
RECIPE: Chef AJ’s Yummy Sauce
- 15 oz can cannelloni beans, rinsed & drained (or 1.5 c of cooked beans)
- juice and zest of 1 organic lemon (if the lemon does not yield 1/4 c of juice, then add more lemon juice
- 1/2 c water
- 2 Tbsp salt free mustard (we used Westbrae Stoneground)
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 3/4 oz pitted dates (approximately 3-4 Deglet Noor)
- Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. If you are using a high-powered blender, use the blender until the sauce becomes warm enough to serve over rice and veggies. It is also delicious cold and massaged into shredded cabbage for “Yummy Slaw”.
Chef’s Note: There are endless variations to yummy sauce. Some of my favorites have been adding fresh ginger, fresh cilantro, scallions, fresh Italian parsley, fresh basil, crushed red pepper flakes, roasted garlic, jalapeño pepper, chipotle pepper, red bell pepper (roast or raw), nutritional yeast, oil free sundried tomatoes and even wasabi powder!!!
John Pierre filming #LunchBreakLIVE with Jane Velez-Mitchell
Chef AJ’s Yummy Sauce over Rice with Chopped Carrots and Broccoli
John Pierre’s Fabulous Books
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
Thanks for the ‘net site’. Unfortunately I cannot view your videos in the place where I reside (in the land of the sun, the land of the melanoma)
The little food content I saw interested me, so I will attempt to cook off the rice n vegetables, garnishing with Chef A J’s sauce
Thanks again