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Best Athlete Recovery Meal on the Planet
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Best Athlete Recovery Meal on the Planet

Dotsie Bausch, 2012 Olympic Cyclist Silver Medal-Winner, TEDx Talk: “Olympic Level Compassion”; Choose veg‘s “21 Badass Veg Women Who Are Making History”; and founder of Compassion Champs, is making the perfect recovery meal on #LunchBreakLIVE 

RECIPE:  The Best Athlete Recovery Meal on the Planet

INGREDIENTS (serves 1 – 2 people)


  1. Place all the ingredients into a salad bowl and gently toss until the olive oil and the rice vinegar is evenly distributed.
  2. Optional (garnish with fresh herbs, such as basil)
  3. Enjoy!

LBL Dotsie Bausch Ingredients & Prepared Meal

Ingredients for Dotsie Bausch’s Best Athlete Recovery Meal on the Planet

LBL Dotsie Bausch with finished salad:meal 8:31:17

See Also
Heather and JR Dahman

Dotsie Bausch with her favorite recovery meal.  Don’t think this is just a “salad,” this complete meal has fruit (tomatoes); vegetables (leafy greens); legumes (edamame); grains (rice); seeds (hemp seeds); fat (olive oil, vegan cheese) and protein in every ingredient here!

LBL Dotsie Bausch with her 3 rescued chihuahuas

Dotsie Bausch and her 3 rescue chihuahuas: (Lt to Rt): Lola, Minne and Yodi (Lola is blind)

Dotsie Bausch is a former world record holder, eight-time U.S. National Champion on the road and track, and cycling color commentator on television. Bausch was compelled to adopt a compassionate plant-based lifestyle after seeing an exposé about the routine cruelty of factory farming. Dotsie is the founder of Compassion Champs a non-profit organization focused on encouraging and informing athletes and weekend warriors alike that compassion can co-exist with their nutrition plan. Currently Compassion Champs is running a social media campaign called #Xmilk, that calls on all professional athletes to ditch their dairy sponsorships and turn to compassionate plant-based alternatives. Dotsie Bausch, the founder of Compassion Champs is working to connect the athletes who have decided to stand up against the dairy industry with plant-based milk companies.
Dotsie trained for and competed in the Olympics on a plant-based diet! Now retired from professional cycling, she speaks passionately around the world as the voice of farm animals, spreading her message about the numerous benefits – humane, nutritional and environmental – of plant-based eating as a lifestyle choice for athletes and non-athletes alike.  Choose Veg selected Dotsie as one of “The 20 Badass Veg Women Who Are Making History.


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