Publisher Of Major Weekly Invites Portland Anti-Fur Protestors Inside To Talk!

Anti-fur protestors inside Willamette Week offices to discuss a recently published article in their weekly promoting and encouraging the wearing of fur! The editor and publisher graciously engages in a fascinating conversation about journalism and ethics with #JaneUnChained contributor Dani Rukin! He also agrees to publish an opposing view which will outline the gut-wrenching cruelties the fur trade inflicts on innocent animals who are tortured and killed for an unnecessary product used as a status symbol for the socially insecure. We applaud this weekly for its willingness to engage in an honest conversation about animals who, but for activists, are completely voiceless. Please share this story. #FurIsDead
Protestors in Portland take to the streets in response to pro-fur article published in local newspaper. The Publisher and Editor agrees to publish opposing view! #MakeFurHistory #FurIsDead
Bravo! You guys rock!