Get Cozy with Us at the Makeout Café!
by Ellen Dent
November 14, 2018

#LunchBreakLIVE at MAKE OUT Café in Culver City, California! This is the amazing vegan entrepreneur Matthew Kenny’s venture right next door to ArcLight Cinemas Culver City! The food is almost too gorgeous to eat. But, when you do bite in, it tastes divine! Joining us is Sergeant Vegan, aka Bill Muir, a vegan super athlete and former paratrooper who proves plant-based is manly! Plus contributor Ilana Bollag, aka The Vegan Yodeler!

The food from this restaurant is a work of art! It’s extremely healthy and delicious! Today they are trying the spicy carrot roll, hummus flatbread, and the roots shoots and seeds salad. These dishes are almost all raw too! Bill (Sergeant Vegan), Ilana, and Jane thoroughly enjoyed the dishes today. “Yum, Yum, Yum.”

Sergeant Vegan is not just a vegan sergeant, he is also a registered nurse. He works with veterans at the VA hospital. He has been vegan for twenty-six years! After the devastating terrorist attack of 9/11/2001, he enlisted as a medic and went on two tours in Afghanistan. Sergeant Vegan demonstrates that you can be vegan and still be strong and masculine! Go vegan today to be strong, healthy, and save the planet at the same time!

Jane Velez-MItchell and Ilana Bollag reporting for JaneUnchained News Network.
Report Edited by Ellen Dent.

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