A Motherless Day for Death-Bound Animals
by Ellen Dent
May 14, 2019

JaneUnChained LIVE at the Los Angeles Animal Save’s “Motherless Day Pig Vigil” coverage outside a Los Angeles slaughterhouse where compassionate activists gather to offer love, comfort and water to baby pigs headed to slaughter within hours. The Save Movement that this group is a local chapter of is growing exponentially and is now a worldwide movement with over 640 chapters worldwide. Renée Marinkovich reports in honor of all the animal and human mothers who have had their children stolen from them.

The pigs you see on this Mother’s Day evening are usually around 4-6 months old, and most have never had the opportunity to experience closeness with their mothers. Mothers regardless of species should have the opportunity to bond with their children, but in factory farms that is often not the case. It is likely these pigs were raised in environments that we could not fathom. Many times they are raised in dark warehouses without windows in confined spaces. They nurse from their mothers through apparatuses called gestational crates which restrict the ability of the piglets to get close to their mothers. Hopefully one-day practices like these will be a part of history, but for now this is their reality. Thank you to all of the activists that came out on this holiday to comfort those who are not as fortunate as most of us were.

Slaughterhouse and animal agricultural representatives are invited to respond at any time.
Renée Marinkovich reporting for JaneUnChained News Network.

Jack DiMillo reporting LIVE for JaneUnchained News Network at a vigil with the group Animal Alliance Network at a slaughterhouse near Downtown Los Angeles. Several trucks full of baby pigs pull up to the slaughterhouse. See who pays the ultimate cost when you buy animal products. These are the victims. Please consider leaving these innocent creatures off your plate!

On this night Animal Alliance Network had special guest Jonny Juicer attend their vigil. He specifically wanted to use his platform to help raise awareness about what is happening to these animals. He explained that when he attended his first pig vigil a couple weeks prior that it reminded him of why he went vegan in the first place after watching the amazingly powerful film Earthlings. He has since found his niche showing people how to eat and drink a healthy vegan diet. He believes that a clean plant-based diet can help prevent and cure diseases. His mother is a perfect example of the power of diet because she was able to reverse heart disease by eating a whole foods plant-based diet. Use your platform to show people the truth like Jonny. A few clicks and you can help save these poor creatures!

Slaughterhouse and Animal Agricultural representatives are invited to respond at any time.
Attend a weekly vigil with Los Angeles Animal Save on Sundays and with Animal Alliance Network on Wednesdays.
Connect with your local Save Movement chapter to attend a vigil and get involved.
Jack DiMillo reporting for JaneUnChained News Network.
Photos courtesy of Los Angeles Animal Save and Animal Alliance Network.
Report edited by Ellen Dent.
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