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Take The Coronavirus Confinement Challenge with Jane!
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Take The Coronavirus Confinement Challenge with Jane!

Jane’s expression says it all. What we are doing to animals as a species is wrong and ridiculous!

Feeling isolated and confined because of #COVID19? Jane Velez-Mitchell takes the dare and does the #CoronavirusConfinementChalenge! The point? To get consumers to think about animals whose entire lives are spent isolated, confined, tortured and abused for bacon, deli slices and other unhealthy and unnecessary foods, when there are plant-based alternatives! Animal Save Movement started this challenge! I’m now challenging 3 friends: Simone Reyes, That Snarky Vegan Girl & Sarah Segal – Thanks to Anita Krajnc for coming up with this dramatic truth bomb!

Contributor and owner of Ellora Wellness, Vanessa Marsot, took the challenge in a cage made by her partner George McQuade.

Have you taken the challenge yet? Join Jane and her contributors who have already completed the challenge and take some time out of your life to raise awareness with this powerful demonstration you can do right from the comfort of your own home! For me personally, the challenge was incredibly empowering. I felt the need to put myself in a similar position as they are. Hopefully one day they may will be free if enough people share the truth with others. Jane’s canine companions are as confused as mine was when he came over to check on me in the cage. They are some of the lucky ones. In other countries eating dogs is perfectly normal and they are put into small cages as they watch each other die. There is no difference between their suffering and the animals we have deemed as food commodities in this country.

Contributor Meira Geyser used a box to complete her Coronavirus Confinement Challenge!

Jane compares her confinement to the horrible to conditions are for pigs in gestation crates on farms that are hardly the illustrations we grew up seeing in children’s books. Jane explains that it is difficult to see the conditions animals are in, so this is why Jane and so many others around the world are taking this challenge. It is our duty as the people who have made the connection and know the truth to bring awareness to others. This challenge is a great way to do that! Try taking the challenge at home with the instructions below and invite your friends and family to do the same!

Paige Parsons Roache also braved the challenge in a dog crate pretending she was a pig in a gestation crate.
The truth will set them free. Photo sourced from:

*Check out the other Jane Unchained Contributors taking the Coronavirus Confinement Challenge below!*

Take the Challenge!

Step 1: Decide which cage/crate you want to use (battery cage, gestation crate, calf hutches, etc.).

Step 2: Get creative and measure the living space for any farmed animal in your own home (tape lines on the floor, use cardboard boxes, a sheet of paper, shower, bathtub, closet, etc.).

Step 3: Choose how long you will stay confined (I hour, 6 hours, 24 hours, etc.).

Step 4: Create a post, video or live stream to share on your social media platforms. Use this opportunity to educate, inspire, and reflect.

Step 5: Tag @thesavemovement and 3 friends you would like to take the challenge as well. Make sure to use the hashtags:

#CoronavirusConfinementChallenge  #switchtoplantbased



Read my Jane Unchained article about how I felt after taking the challenge!


Attend a weekly vigil after the quarantine is lifted with Los Angeles Animal Save on Sundays and with Animal Alliance Network on Wednesdays.

Connect with your local Animal Save Movement chapter to attend a vigil and get involved.


See Also
Some of the key participants in the 2022 Vegan Women Summit (c)VWS


Jane Velez-Mitchell reports LIVE for Jane Unchained Vegan News! 


Jane Unchained LIVE We are in Los Angeles where Vanessa Marsot is taking the #CoronavirusConfinementChallenge to show the cruelty of what billions of animals suffer through every year. Vanessa Marsot of Ellora Wellness reporting, George McQuade on camera for I challenge you to do this too and share so we can spread the word that the Corona virus and all pandemics are caused by animal agriculture. Thanks to Ellen Andrea Dent for the inspiration and guidance! 

Vegan Activist Meira Geyser takes the #CoronavirusConfinementChallenge to illustrate the cruel confinement that billions of animals are forced to endure! Take the challenge!

Feeling confined too? Caged? Rattled? #JaneUnChained #LIVE with the #coronavirusconfinementchallenge with JNN Producer/Contributor Paige Parsons Roache, in partnership with Los Angeles Animal Save and The Save Movement plus La Fur Animal Save!

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