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Cows & Pigs on Zoom Calls? Unmute Yourself. It’s True!
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Cows & Pigs on Zoom Calls? Unmute Yourself. It’s True!

#JaneUnChained #LiveTALK: Tired of that same old  Zoom meeting you keep having, with the same over-sharers droning on? Well, then, transform your next Zoom into a dynamic, life-changing experience! Goat-2-Meeting is the genius idea of some animal loving, animal sanctuary folks in the Silicon Valley region of California! The organizers at Sweet Farm Sanctuary held an emergency meeting as COVID-19 shut down tours and said: what can we do to keep going and keep revenue coming in and survive? The answer? If people can’t visit the sanctuary, then take the sanctuary to people… via Zoom.  The idea took off.  CNN and The Daily Show did stories on it. Sweet Sanctuary invited 30 other sanctuaries to take part, helping all of them stay afloat. They’ve already done thousands of virtual tours.

What happens on a call, you ask? The human rep for the animals joins the Zoom, does a quick intro of the sanctuary and introduces you to the animals, giving you a virtual tour! One animal can be the Zoom star or you can meet a lot of them. You can ask questions or just hang out. It might be Sweet Farm or one of their amazing sanctuary partners! Carol Messina of Sweet Farm tells us all about it. Then, she gives us a sample of what you will experience!


The Goat-2-Meeting organizaers say magical transformations have happened as a result of these virtual introductions. Many people have never really seen a modern day turkey up close. They quickly realize each turkey or chicken or pig or goat or cow is an individual with his or her own likes and dislikes and quirks. They have unique personalities, just like we do. This realization makes it a lot harder to regard them simply as commodities to be consumed. Some people have joked about eating a beef burger while zooming with a cow. But, underneath that uncomfortable humor, is a new recognition that they’re eating a sentient being who wanted to live as much anyone else, including them,
In this case, a video is worth 10-thousand lives, as that’s the number of animals the average American will kill to consume in their lifetime. Crazy… when you think about it. It doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s use this time in quarantine (from a zoonotic virus which jumped from animals to humans because of human abuse of animals) to transform.  Let’s change it up and cherish animals instead of abusing, killing and eating them. That would be better for us, for the planet and for the animals themselves. Take a tour and join a more evolved world.
Zoom call with a sanctuary resident who is living as nature meant animals to live, being able to move and not being tortured.
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