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32 Chimps Need Your Help!
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32 Chimps Need Your Help!

These bonded chimps hope to stay together as they are moved to their new homes.

Chimps Need Your Help!

Chimps need your help right now. 32 of them need to find new homes… ASAP! After having sacrificed so much for humans, having been used in research, they were retired to California’s famed Wildlife Waystation, which rescued and rehabilitated more than 70 thousand of animals over the forty years it was in operation.  But, change is inevitable. The Wildlife Waystation recently closed and most of its animals have, thankfully, found new homes. However, 32 chimps still need to be re-homed. There are accredited, highly regarded sanctuaries standing by, ready to take in the chimps. What is needed to make it happen is… money. It costs money to build the infrastructure for their new homes, to provide food and veterinary care. And, the transportation is costly too! Please help by clicking here! Your donations are 100% tax deductible. These chimps must be sent to new homes! It feels so good to give.

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Now, we speak to actress Elaine Hendrix, who is championing the chimp cause. Elaine plays Alexis Carrington on TV’s Dynasty. Her character is diabolical and crafty. In real life, Elaine is a kind and passionate animal advocate, willing to go to any lengths to speak for these voiceless innocents. Famed chimp advocate Robert Ingersoll also joins the conversation, along with Erika Fleury, Program Director of the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance. Please help by clicking here. 

In the Facebook video below, you will see film of the actual chimps who have already been transported to new homes. Watch their delight as they race through their new surroundings! It’s so joyous!

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Now, look at these faces. As Elaine Hendrix said, if you are feeling isolated and confined during this time, imagine how these magnificent beings, who are so similar to us in so many ways, felt during their years of confinement as they were used in experiments and research. They deserve our help. If you fee stuck and even trapped, free yourself by giving to these chimp. They really need your help.

Chimps need your help
This is one of the chimps who need your help
These chimps need your help
One of the already re-homed chimps enjoying his new digs. Feeding and caring for these magnificent beings is expensive. They need your help.

You may not be the kind of animal lover who enjoys protesting, chanting slogans and marching. You may not have what it takes to go to a vigil and bear witness to pigs or cows headed to slaughter. Its okay. You can still do your part. Open your wallet and open your heart. These chimps need your help. Helping them is the best gift you can ever give yourself! Do it now: here.

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