Fish & Marine Animals

Turn Your Passion Into Action!

Ever wonder how you can turn your passion for animals into action? Hear how Kathy, Amy, and Jenny did just that and how you can, too! Dani Rukin in Portland reporting for #JaneUnChained News. Jenny McQueen has been an animal rights activist for over 20 years.

Will Southern Resident Orcas Be Extinct In Five Years?

Will Southern Resident Orcas be extinct in five years? These advocates say yes, if we don’t do something NOW! Activists want the four lower dams along the Snake River breached so the Chinook salmon can be released into the ocean where they belong.

Activists Tell AAA “SeaWorld Kills!”

JaneUnChained LIVE in Los Angeles where local animal rights activists are gathering at AAA – Automobile Club of Southern California to urge SeaWorldAAA to end its affiliation with SeaWorld. Activists feel AAA encourages members to visit SeaWorld by offering deep discounts to the amusement park!

Fishing Isn’t Peaceful For The Victims!

Colorado Animal Save activists speaking out against the abuse of fishes at popular fishing pond. “Family time” fishing means destroying other families. Fish feel pain, just like us! Dani Rukin in Colorado reporting for #JaneUnChained News.

Activists Take A Stand For Sea Life In San Diego!

#JaneUnchained reporting LIVE from San Diego’s Tuna Harbor at the Dockside Market (fish) at San Diego Animal Save event Vigil for Fishes. Tracy Childs reports. Here Liz Gary is doing a food demo to let the public know about great vegan options to choose instead of seafood!

Los Angeles Fish Save: Fish Have Feelings Too!

Reporting #LIVE on #JaneUnchained News Network at the first Los Angeles Fish Save vigil at a fish market in San Pedro, California. Bernie Estrada and Hannah Fowler-Kimsey organized this vigil for the newest Save Movement chapter in Southern California! Watch as activists spend their Saturday morning spreading awareness of the fact that fish are sentient creatures and overfishing is destroying our oceans.

“It’s Not Seafood, It’s Sea LIFE!”

Eye-catching art demo as activists brave the cold and strip down to expose the horrors inflicted on sea life at sea’food’ festival! Demonstrators ask festival-goers to “Try to relate to WHO is on your plate.” Dani Rukin reports for #JaneUnChained.

Making Waves with The Sea Shepherd Crew at Beelman’s Pub!

#JaneUnchained reporting from Beelman’s, an all plant-based pub in Los Angeles, California with Captain Paul Watson of Animal Planet’s show Whale Wars & Ocean Warriors Chasing Thunder Captain Peter Hammarstedt of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Eighteen years ago Sea Shepherd started a partnership with the park rangers in the Galapagos and with the Ecuadorian police.

Pregnant Whales Killed And Butchered In Iceland!

#JaneUnChained makes national Icelandic front page headline news with the documentation and livestream of last night’s Reykjavík Whale Save‘s first vigil in Iceland’s largest and most widely read newspaper, Fréttablaðið. Watch as contributing reporter Dani Rukin films the pregnant whale being butchered at an Icelandic whaling station. See link below for full headline news.

Sea Shepherd Chef: Saving Sea Animals and Making Salads!

  #LunchBreakLIVE features Holladay Allen of VegUp, The Nutrition App for Vegans and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Holladay is a lead chef for Sea Shepherd and is traveling after this #LunchBreakLIVE to board the The RV Martin Sheen to volunteer on the three month campaign Operation Virus Hunter.