Animal rights is fast becoming the social justice movement of the 21st century. I’ve just launched this site ( to help every American see, with their own eyes, the horrors animals face in the world today. is a new online magazine publishing daily reports on animal issues. And, then there’s Our Hen House.
Jasmin Singer and Mariann Sullivan first launched Our Hen House with podcasts. Now, it’s also on Brooklyn Independent Media as Our Hen House TV Show. And, we’re excited to announce that the Season 2 premiere of the show will air on Monday, Dec. 1! The goal: to mainstream the movement to end the exploitation of animals. So, that’s three up and coming animal rights media outlets getting the word out.
The Dodo is another big animal advocacy media venture. And, animal rights organizations like PETA have jumped with both feet into social media to show the images that rarely seem to make it on to traditional TV.
You can do your part by sharing the blog posts and video links you see here and on other outlets. This coming week, is launching a new campaign with the slogan: I Am the Media 4 Animals. Look for the button which you can embed on your social media platforms. Together we can change the world for animals! Congrats to Jasmin and Mariann for their success with Our Hen House!
What's Your Reaction?
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
Great video. I watched that parade on tv but I missed seeing that float. Thanks for sharing
it saddens me tgat so many ara out their name with peta – if all folks ingrid .
That so called nonprofit organization believes in euthanasia on all animals and that no one should have puppies kittens dogs or anything of that nature.
Their government documents through the state of Virginia don’t why they have to report yearly on their numbers and they show 8/90% Killory not to mention that their new facility has 10 kennels that house zero dogs upon inspection and when you look at their figures given to the state every year by December 31 thousands upon thousands of dogs and cats reach zero so they can start off their new year and a fresh slate. Ingrid herself is not ashamed of this one bit not to mention the recent controversy of Pierre picking up dogs and cats at shelters that can be adopted out and found in dumpsters within 24 hours later into the hundreds of pets . If they would spend their $$ on protecting actual oets instead if killing them or paying celebs to remove their clothes- then maybe they would change tgeir mind and actions. For Jane not to question ingrid herself – saddens me !
She is an evil – cold hearted person – so if u think Peta likes you if u own a cat or dog – u r so so wrong !