JaneUnChained was on the scene, along with celebrities like “Sex and the City” star Kristin Davis, as authorities crushed a ton of confiscated ivory in Times Square to send elephant poachers and shoppers a message: the ivory trinket trade is immoral and will be crushed. Elephants are being decimated at a rate of 34-thousand a year for their tusks, which is where ivory comes from. The U.S. is still a big market for these tasteless trinkets.
Meanwhile, Congress needs to pass laws to toughen penalties for ivory merchants and impose sanctions on countries that trade in ivory. Also, all ivory should be illegal to trade or own. Currently, old ivory is grandfathered in, which gives traders a window to falsely claim new ivory is old. All of this should make us think about ALL animal exploitation.
What's Your Reaction?
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
I am so glad the ivory was crushed, Jane. I cannot bear the thought of another precious elephant being murdered for his/her tusks. Fake ivory is gorgeous. I have beautiful faux ivory earrings. I threw out the real ivory earrings my mother bought me as a child when she had my ears pierced. I could not stand to look at them anymore.
Shared and commented on, Jane.