The Root Of All Evil Is That Some Lives Matter More Than Others
by Dani Rukin
June 2, 2018

Passerby starts out outraged accusing animal rights activists of focusing on animal cruelty while there’s so much oppression of and discrimination against marginalized groups of humans. Wait til you see what happens! Stirring up the conversation is powerful and needed! Anonymous for the Voiceless Cube of Truth in Portland with Earthling Ed
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As long as thereare slaughterhouses,there will be battlefields. (Leo Tolstoi)
Spin it anyway you want, it reeks of White (liberal) privilege.
Black guy: “I’m FED UP with having to fear for my life every damn day of it since birth, and being perceived as inferior and/or a thug by most of America *including* its institutions!”
White guy: “But muh poor chickens suffer too”…
It’s “all lives matters” taken to the final level…
If only you could realize how damaging and counter-productive this is for BOTH fighting against racism and for the improvement of animal treatment…