"Dairy Is Scary" Billboards Sweep Los Angeles!
#JaneUnChained LIVE in Chatsworth, California where one of 60 brand new billboards are going up with the headline: Dairy Is Scary and urging people to check out the Erin Janus blockbuster YouTube video called…. #DairyIsScary! CLICK HERE TO WATCH:
It’s gotten almost 5 million views already! You can also take the dairyfreechallenge.com In Defense of Animals President Marilyn Kroplick speaks to Jane Velez-Mitchell of JaneUnChained! The brilliantly named creative firm Firm Tofu designed the billboard!
Take a selfie with the billboard and post with #DAIRYisSCARY hashtag! Most creative IG photo or story wins a prize!
Below are the locations of the 60 Dairy Is Scary Billboards!
In Defense of Animals Team interviews President Marilyn Kroplick under a billboard.
Here’s Marilyn’s Selfie! Remember to hashtag #DAIRYisSCARY
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.