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The JaneUnchained Contributors Holiday Party!!!
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The JaneUnchained Contributors Holiday Party!!!

You were in luck if you came to this party because it was a vegan potluck too! Yum!

#LIVE at the #JaneUnChained Contributors Holiday Party In Los Angeles, California! Our social media news network for animal rights and the vegan lifestyle (a 501c3 non-profit) now has 60+ contributors around the world going LIVE! We have the West Coast Contributors here tonight. But, ALL the other contributors, from Europe to Latin America, are with us in spirit! Now, the new JaneUnChained Vegan Anthem!

Part of the merry group of contributors who attended this party!
These contributors volunteer their time year round out of the goodness of their hearts. They film positive LIVE vegan shows from business, restaurants, events, festivals, and many vegan events. JaneUnChained News Network is trying to spread the word about people living a compassionate lifestyle. It’s working. Jane explains that JaneUnChained has had over 16.6 million video views this year, which has already surpassed last year’s total views. But that’s not all, Jane is also working on developing music to help popularize the movement. This is where the JaneUnChained Vegan Anthem, “Go Vegan GO” comes into play. It’s upbeat and the message is clear. Go vegan GO! Watch Simone Reyes reluctantly but graciously perform the anthem for everyone. Go Simone Go!
Sean, Gwenna, and Danni squeeze in to a pic together.
That song definitely got livened up the party. Natalie Ford also performs her poem “Butcher Shop.” Her poem details and analogy of the meat and dairy industry with humans as its victims. It explores the idea of a human butcher shop on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills where you can buy human parts and secretions for your dining pleasure. Jane explains that they are utilizing art to emphasize animal rights issues! Jane spins around the room next and introduces us to all the amazing diverse group of contributors who came out to party. JaneUnChained would not be successful without the amazing work done by all of these caring individuals!
Jane, Patrizia, Paige, Ellen, Monster (poodle) and Dani huddle in for a quick pic!
Check Out Sean Hill’s poem for the JaneUnChained Crew in the next video!

Sarah and Lindsey dominate this photo. Get in the back fellas!
#LIVE at the #JaneUnChained Contributors Holiday Party In Los Angeles, California featuring the amazing Vegan Poet Sean Hill with a special poem just for our non-profit social media news network for animal rights/veganism! Sean came to steal the show with his words. He starts off by introducing himself through spoken word complete with beat-boxing sounds. This man is a master of words and his poem for the volunteer contributors was incredibly detailed! He explains what the contributors do for the movement with their work in detail. He tells us about the recent events that have been covered and how the contributors help people discern “the truth from fiction.” Thank you Sean Hill! We want to “bend reality” with you and make the world a better place for all of its creatures. Thank you JaneUnChained contributors for all that you do to make this network a growing success, and for changing the world one JaneUnChainedLIVE video at a time! Happy Holidays Everyone!
Sean demonstrates his selfie skills.
Jane Velez-MItchell and the JaneUnchained Crew reporting for JaneUnchained News Network.
Report Edited by Ellen Dent.


Jessica and Erin are our vegan blond bombshells!
Watch out! Patrizia has arrived and she’s got a big dish to share!
Tracy and her husband, Steve, advertise Jane’s Vegan Soup painting, made by Le Fou, a fabulous vegan artist.
Vegan Cheese! Erin and Kenziah pose for a pic together!
Paige, Erin, Dani, Allen, and Lisa are all smiles at the party.
Jane and Erin grace us with their gorgeous smiles!
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UnchainedTV is part of the JaneUnChained News Network, a 501 c-3 non-profit, EIN number 82-3892784. UnchainedTV is your go-to free streaming network for entertaining and eye-opening shows. Our mission is to entertain and enlighten with a mix of original series, cooking shows, documentaries, and unique content that explores health, sustainability, and ethical living. Tune in and unchain a more sustainable and compassionate world for all.