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Mama’s Good Luck Gnocchi con Tuco Veganized!
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Mama’s Good Luck Gnocchi con Tuco Veganized!

The mixture that becomes this special gnocchi!
#LunchBreakLIVE  as Patrizia Barretto veganizes her mother’s traditional recipe for Gnocchi con Tuco or potato Gnocchi in a garlic butter tomato marinara sauce. Find out why in Uruguay it’s good luck to have this simple dish on the 29th of every month. Join her as she closes the year 2018 with Homemade Gnocchi con Tuco!
The gnocchi ready to be boiled in hot water.
Patrizia uses mung bean in the place of eggs as a binder for her gnocci recipe. Patrizia keeps it super simple by rolling them out by hand and using a fork to make the traditional rivets on the cut pieces of pasta. Virtually any recipe can be veganized with a quick search on Google, and Patrizia’s mom’s recipe is no exception. After rolling out her gnocci, Patrizia puts them in the boiling hot water. She explains that you will know when they are ready because they will float to the top. Patrizia mashes her sauce that is made with fresh tomatoes, onion, and a whole lot of garlic! Patrizia even makes her own vegan parmesan cheese with cashews, nutritional yeast, and a food processor. Patrizia looks like a pro in the kitchen!
This sure is some pretty pasta!
Surprisingly, this dish is not only an Italian tradition, it is also an Uruguayan tradition as well. They make gnocchi on the 29th of every month for love and prosperity. Patrizia explains that they put a few coins or money underneath the dish to ensure abundance through the end of the month. Patrizia’s gnocchi looks absolutely amazing. Ensure your prosperity in the new year by making veganized gnocchi at home with Patrizia’s recipe below!
The final delicious Gnocchi Con Tucco dish!

Patrizia Mari Barretto reporting for Jane Unchained News Network.

Report edited by Ellen Dent.

Photos courtesy of Patrizia Mari Barretto.

See Also
People eating Autumn and Winter creamy vegan soups, by sonyakamoz via Stock Images

Don’t forget to eat it above some coins or cash to stay true to tradition!
Gnocchi con Tuco
Serves Two
Gnocchi Ingredients (Prepping 10 minutes)
Potatoes, 2 Large, 1 Cup, Chopped
Mung Bean Binder, 3 Tbs,  (Instructions Below)
Flour, 1 Cup
Gnocchi Mash Potato Directions (Cooking 30 Minutes)
Boil water. Wash, scrub, peel and cut potatoes into small pieces. Rinse. Add to Boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes or until soft, strain and let cool. Set aside  for 10 minutes. Mash.
Gnocchi Dough Directions (Prepping 10 Minutes)
To potato mix binder and flour. Fold and form dough. Add flour to dough board and roll dough to a ball. Flatten the ball gently and divide into four pieces. Cut. Set a side. Leave one piece on board.
Gnocchi Directions: (Prepping 10 minutes)
Roll one 1/4 in ball, flatten gently and from the center outward, begin to roll out the dough into a long snake. With dough cutter cut into 1” pieces and set aside on dry counter layered with flour. Separate. Sprinkle light flour on top. Let dry. Repeat process. Once you have rolled out all of the dough, with dough cutter, clean your board from dough debris.
Gnocchi Roll Out Directions (Prepping 10 Minutes) 
Sprinkle flour on board. Grab and firmly hold a fork in one hand and with your free hand gently hold a gnocchi.  Place it on the top -center of the fork. With your thumb press down and roll out the gnocchi. Repeat.
Gnocchi Cooking Directions: (Cooking 6-8 minutes)
Boil water. Add enough Gnocchi to cover the bottom of the pan with two layers. Once they start to pop up, pull them out and place in colander. Make sure not to let them sit too long or they will stick together so plate immediately.
Tuco Ingredients (Prepping 5 minutes)
Tomatoes, 15 Ripe Large Organic, Chopped
Onions, 1 Large Yellow Organic, Chopped
Garlic, 2 Large Bulbs, Organic, Chopped
Miyoko’s Butter 1/4 Cup
Tuco Directions (Cooking 30-40 Minutes)
In sauce pan add onion, cook on medium until soft, add tomatoes, cook for 20 minutes, while mashing every so often. Then add garlic. Careful not to burn. Cook 20 minutes more stirring and mashing every so often. Do not burn.
Grated Cheese Ingredients (Prepping 3 Minutes)
Cashew, 1/2 Cups Raw Unsalted
Nutritional Yeast, 1/2 Cup
Grated Cheese Directions
Add all ingredients to food processor until desired. Store in tight container. Will remain fresh for several days in refrigerator.
Mung Bean Binder Ingredients (Prepping 3 minutes)
Mungbean, 3 Tbs Uncooked, Unsalted, Dried
Water, 3 Tbs
Mung Bean Binder Directions
Grind Mung bean until powdered. Pour into small bowl. Add water and whisk until creamy.  Let sit to congeal.
Supplies Needed:
Hand Mitts
Boiling Bowl
Sauce Pan
Dough Board
Dough Cutter
Food Processor



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