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The FDA’s War on Veganism!

Vanessa posing with her Ripple Brand plant-based milk. #WeCanRead

#JaneUnChained #LIVETALK on the Food and Drug Administration‘s war on veganism. The US government is trying to BAN the use of terms like soy milk & almond milk, as the government shills for a collapsing dairy industry. Time to fight back, as Farm Sanctuary‘s Gene Baur joins Advancing Law for Animals‘ campaign to keep America’s freedom of speech and labeling intact! ALA’s Vanessa Shakib and Ryan Gordon tell us about their #WeCanRead campaign! Take a photo with your favorite non-dairy milk, post it with the hashtag #WeCanRead and speak your mind to FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb NOW at:

The US government believes that people are so dumb that they don’t know the difference between a plant-based milk label and a dairy milk that came from an cow. This is a move in the wrong direction. The demand for plant-based milk is on the rise. This latest attack on the use of the word “milk” to describe plant-based milk is a last ditch effort to try to save the outdated dairy industry. “The public’s taste is changing,” Jane explains. More and more companies are offering plant-based alternatives. People are also learning the adverse effects of dairy on their health. They are also realizing that drinking milk from an animal is unnatural even from their own mother’s breast after they are weened. A cows milk is for a calf, and any animal’s milk is for their baby not us!

Vanessa further explains that government regulated labels is unconstitutional. Vanessa says this is a case of “government overreach.” Our intelligence is being questioned and our rights as Americans are being challenged. Ryan also explains how ludicrous it is to take away words that people are accustomed to off of labels. Furthermore, Ryan says that the courts have already determined that people are not confused. It is time to take a stand. Take part in the #WeCanRead campaign, and let the federal government know that we are not stupid and we know that almond milk comes from almonds. Ditch dairy and buy plant-based “better than milk” instead today!

“ear FDA, #WeCanRead”

Any representatives from the Food and Drug Administration, United States Government, and dairy industry are invited to respond at any time.

Balancing the Scales of Justice for animals!

Visit The Advancing Law for Animals website!

Follow Advancing Law for Animals on Facebook! 

Jane Velez-Mitchell  reporting for JaneUnchained News Network.






Watch the amazing story of Cotton, the lamb, who survived 4H thanks to the big heart of award-winning songwriter Diane Warren and the amazing new legal organization Advancing Law for Animals! ALA attorneys Vanessa Shakib & Ryan Gordon describe their harrowing, courtroom battle and ‘race against time’ rescue! You might say they UnBroke a little boy’s heart, a reference to one of Diane’s many mega hits.
We are so glad they were able to save this little lamb!
The livestock program for kids allows kids to raise animals for a short period of time. They often times bond with these animals, even bottle feeding them, and then they are forced to sell the same animals they raised for slaughter. These kids are often times broken up by the thought of their fellow animal friends being sent to their deaths. In the case of Cotton, the little boy who raised him, asked that his lamb be spared. Diane made a promise that they would save his lamb. She bid a high amount to buy the lamb and the fair along with the boy’s parents refused to give her the lamb. They said he must be sent to slaughter.
The ALA has made amazing victories for animal rights activism too!
Ryan, Vanessa, and Diane fought tooth and nail with their legal abilities until they got an order from the court to save Cotton’s life. At this point he was in a slaughterhouse and they were not sure that he was still alive. Fortunately, after pleading with the slaughterhouse they found out that he was still alive, and they were able to rescue him. Now Cotton lives in a sanctuary with all his fellow rescued friends. He is one lucky little lamb, and Advancing Law for Animals plans to keep fighting for the rights of animals. Vanessa says it perfectly, “Let’s face it, animals need lawyers.” We applaud the ALA’s great work and can’t wait to see what victories lie ahead for this amazing organization!
4H reps are invited to respond at any time.
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