Compassion for Change is Happening!

 JaneUnchained News Network LIVE at a vigil with TheSaveMovement group Animal Alliance Network at a slaughterhouse near Downtown, Los Angeles. Imagine if you were on this truck unknowingly being transported to your final stop. Wouldn’t you want mercy and for someone to share the truth? We have the power to make this stop. Be a hero for these creatures and share this post with everyone you know! Please don’t eat these baby pigs. They deserve to live their lives, not end up in pieces on a plate at about 4-6 months of a short and most likely torturous one.

Our efforts are working. VegNews broke the story that the huge company that owns this slaughterhouse has announced they are in the process of developing plant-based meat! Consumer demand is prevailing. Plant-based meat is hotter than ever right now with several fast-food chains have started offering plant-based meat substitutes. The change is coming thanks to these dedicated activists who keep showing people the truth week after week as they extend compassion to these unfortunate creatures. Please share we can save baby pigs from this horrible fate in the future!

The slaughterhouse is invited on to respond at any time.
Jack DiMillo reporting #LIVE for #JaneUnchained
Photos by Vegan Marine and Jack DiMillo.