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Local Radio Station Shares Pig Vigil Story!

This picture gives a glimpse of both realities. Enslaved creatures look onto the free ones as they try to give them a final act of mercy.

Cesar Asebedo reporting LIVE for JaneUnchained News Network at a vigil with The Animal Save Movement group Animal Alliance Network at a slaughterhouse only 10 minutes from Downtown Los Angeles. Activists give water and comfort to slaughter-bound pigs as they arrive on transport trucks. These pigs are only 4-6 months old and may never have experienced love from a human being until these few moments they spend with this group. These activists also share their experience with everyone they can. You can do the same. Please share this story and share the truth with everyone you know! 

A new activist peers into the holes of the truck, forever changed by who he sees onboard.
There were plenty of new faces at this vigil. This is one of the main reasons why Animal Save Movement groups Los Angeles Animal Save and Animal Alliance Network hold these vigils hoping that new people will come to see what is happening to these unfortunate creatures and make the connection. Then they will make the connection by taking action in their lives in order to not contribute to the suffering of other animals. Today new activists said the vigil inspired them to exactly that. One first-time vigil goer said the vigil made them think about their dietary choices. Another activist who also came to the vigil said that they wanted to attend this vigil because they felt that being vegan just wasn’t enough. All of the activists agree that this was a life-changing experience. We can only hope that they will share their experience with others and show them where animal products come from, so they can decide to live compassionately as well.
Their faces imprint in the souls of the people that see them. Never to be forgotten.
Yesterday was also an exciting day for the movement as the radio station KCRW aired a piece by reporter Angel Carreras, who attended two vigils to compile his story. His story masterfully captured the soul of this movement to give “solace” to these slaughter-bound creatures. The article also pointed out the desire of groups who hold these vigils to have the slaughterhouse transition to processing plant-based foods instead of sentient beings. The audio clip and story are available online for whoever would like to view it at the link below. This and all other media coverage is vital to The  Animal Save Movement’s success. They are so happy to reach a whole new audience of people who may not have ever seen the victims behind animal agriculture.
KCRW shared a riveting piece by Angel Carreras about the vigils.


The slaughterhouse representatives are invited on to respond at any time.

Check out the story on KCRW!

Attend a weekly vigil with Los Angeles Animal Save on Sundays and with Animal Alliance Network on Wednesdays.

See Also
Poster against Turkey's dog massacre

Connect with your local Animal Save Movement chapter to attend a vigil and get involved.

Cesar Asebedo reporting for JaneUnchained News Network.

Photos courtesy of Daniel Moreno Escalante and KCRW‘s website.

Jane Unchained News contributor and Animal Alliance Network board member Cesar Asebedo is pictured in the article giving comfort to baby pigs.
Foaming from the mouth, this pig curiously looks towards the activists giving water.
The organizers Eder Lopez, Leah Goodwin, Sergio Pinedo, and I address the activists at every vigil.
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