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United We Stand! Official Animal Rights Marches Across the USA and the World!

United We Stand! Official Animal Rights Marches Across the USA and the World!

#JaneUnchained LIVE from Washington DC Saturday August 25th. THE OFFICIAL ANIMAL RIGHTS MARCH D.C.  2018.

Hundreds commit to march in solidarity to the steps of our nation’s capitol to demand Animal Liberation NOW! And this was not the only place people were marching. All around the world from Luxemburg, London, Miami, Asheville, Portland, San Diego and LA, activists put on their walking shoes and raised their voices, chanting in unison the bring awareness to the plight of animals. The hope is for change by showing others that practices that hurt animals and human alike are not acceptable and the need for change has never been greater. Thank you D.C. for taking a stand and marching to the United States Capitol to demand change for all animals!

Elizabeth Argibay Reporting LIVE for #JaneUnchained


LIVE at the Official Animal Rights March Miami 2018! Hundreds of activists have come out to take a stand for the most vulnerable beings on the planet.

Susan Hargreaves, of Animal Hero Kids,  asks is it too much to ask to not harm animals just for being born animals?? According to her veganism has raised 350 percent! She says it is ok to be obsessed with veganism because obsessed people get things done! She says every time you choose a vegan product and talk to someone about going vegan, you are making history. It’s time to tear the slaughterhouse walls down!

VeganEvan hops on the mic and talks about his involvement with Animal Hero Kids. Their message is to spread the word of kindness for all! Evan is also a spokesperson for Solutionary Species, and Brother Wolf’s Animal Rescue.  He is definitely a super hero kid activist above all else! He loves spreading his message of love for animals, ourselves, and the planet with everyone, and he loves to share it through his super cool vegan raps! Thank you VeganEvan for sharing your message as a voice for your generation and  future generations to come!

The group is also challenging people to watch the movie “Dominion,” to raise awareness of what is happening to animals in the agricultural industry. They ask that all groups and colleges share the documentary to teach young minds compassion for animals and witness their suffering.  Watch “Dominion” today! 

Shannon Blair Reporting for JaneUnChained.com

Report Edited by Ellen Dent.


Amazing photo of activists rallying near the US Capitol! Photo by Claire Madrigal


DC shows a united front for the animals as they march to the US Capitol! Photo by Jason Saltz


The big crowd of activists poses outside the US Capitol asking for Animal Liberation for all animals! Photo by Cassondra Clapper


A woman balances on stilts as a human sign to get the message of veganism up high! Photo Courtesy of Angeline Rose Nixon


See Also
UnchainedTV logo on Samsung Smart TV

A crowd of protestors march in the streets of Miami animal rights! Photo: Alex Williams


Alex Williams wears all the reasons to go vegan! Photo Courtesy of Alex Williams


Fish are friends not food. Go Vegan because fish like all other animals feel pain too! Photo: Alex Williams


VeganEvan gets a much needed boost from an Anonymous for the Voiceless marshall. Photo: Michael Tacorante


VeganEvan has his own shirt just in case you would ever confuse him with another kid activist! Photo: Michael Tacorante


VeganEvan poses with a crowd of activists who marched with him for animal rights! Photo courtesy of Cindy Seip.


Vegan Evan looks comfortable wielding the megaphone even though it’s half his size. Photo courtesy of Cindy Seip.



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