Side Dishes

Quinoa Tabouleh You Will want To Make On The Daily Plant-based Protein Powerhouse Quinoa Tabouleh! “This amazingly nutritious recipe is super easy to make,” says today’s featured guest chef Katya Galbis, a licensed dietitian, DipACLM, and Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s Food For Life Instructor.

HAVE YOU EVER HAD A CAULIFLOWER POUR-OVER? What does it take to create creamy baked whole cauliflower (pour-over)? Find out how with vegan chef, Your Vegan Friend Tonia …Tonia L Carrier Hicks, on this episode of #LunchBreakLIVE. This makes a great side dish that will impress family and friends alike. Let’s take a closer look at how this incredible dish is made… </p UNIQUE IN THE KITCHEN We love it when Tonia joins us in the kitchen.

VEGAN BRAZILLIAN CHEESE BREAD REVEALED! Vegan Brazilian cheese bread (PÃO DE QUEIJO) on today’s #LunchBreakLIVE with guest Chef Anamaria Ferrão Holm from Brazil. She creates these delicious little balls of heaven for us, with her quick and easy recipe. Let’s see how it’s done… A CONTINUOUS DESIRE TO LEARN Anamaria Ferrão Holm is from Brazil but has enjoyed living in a few different countries. She graduated in Hospitality Business in Switzerland and completed her MBA with aim on Luxury Hotel management.

4TH OF JULY FOOD COVERED! We’ve got your healthy vegan upcoming celebration covered with these 4th of July food options! Join Eating4E’s Jenn and her 2-year-old son Ethan along with host Tracy Childs on #LunchBreakLIVE as they whip up some yummy, homemade whole-food, plant-based burgers and cheesy fries.

HOMEMADE SALSA AND OIL-FREE CHIPS! IT’S A DIPPING PARTY! Oil-free chips & homemade salsa for the summer! Join today’s vegan chef Stacey Heiny, creator of the brand The Herban Farmacy, a certified holistic nutritionist and Food for Life instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

CRAVING SOME DELICIOUS LEMON RICE? WE GOT YOU! Easy breezy lemon squeezy instant pot lemon rice on today’s #LunchBreakLIVE! In the kitchen, we have chef Alisha V, TikTok sensation, content creator, and founder of The Lish Life. Let’s take a look at how she creates this incredibly simple yet flavorful dish.