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VeggiDome Brings Veggies Into Plain View…so You Will Eat Them!

VeggiDome Brings Veggies Into Plain View…so You Will Eat Them!

Do forgotten vegtables spoil in your fridge? Duncan Burns‘ VeggiDome is a breakthrough product that will keep your veggies fresh on the table, not hidden in the fridge! Order now! Use promo code JANE and get 10% off the price at

RECIPE: VeggiDome’s “Tastes Like it Was Just Picked from the Garden Salad with Gardein ‘Chick’n'”

INGREDIENTS (for salad) (serving for 2 – 3)

  • 1 bunch romaine lettuce or baby greens, torn into fork-sized pieces
  • 1 bunch of baby bok chop, torn into fork-sized pieces
  • 1/2 avocado, diced
  • 4 celery stalks, sliced
  • 1 bunch fresh basil, shredded
  • 3 – 4 Persian cucumbers, sliced
  • 1 can chickpeas (Eden brand – no BPA cans)
  • 1 pkg Gardein “chick’n strips”

INGREDIENTS (for dressing)

  • 1/4 c Bragg’s Amino Acids
  • 2Tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1 Tbsp agave or maple syrup
  • 1 Tbsp sesame seeds


  1. Sauté Gardein Chick’n Strips in olive oil until lightly browned, adding the sauce (which comes in the Gardein package) at th end and heat.
  2. Place all the salad ingredients into a large bowl
  3. Mix the ingredients for the dressing in a small bowl
  4. Add the “chick’n” into the salad
  5. Pour the dressing over the salad and “chick’n” and gently toss
  6. Enjoy!

LBL Duncan Burns VeggiDome Ingredients

Ingredients for VeggiDome’s “Tastes Like it Was Just Picked from the Garden Salad with Gardein ‘Chick’n'”

LBL Duncan Burns being filmed by Jane

Jane Velez-Mitchell Recording #LunchBreakLIVE with Duncan Burns

LBL Duncan Burns VeggiDome Salad no dressing

“Tastes Like it Was Just Picked from the Garden Salad” (before dressing and Gardein “Chick’n”)

LBL Duncan Burns pourig dressing on salad

See Also

Dressing with Bragg’s Amino Acids, Agave, Nutritional Yeast and Sesame Seeds

LBL Duncan Burns plated salad w:dressing

Plated “Tastes Like it Was Just Picked from the Garden Salad with Gardein ‘Chick’n'”

LBL Duncan Burns with VeggiDome

Duncan Burns with the VeggiDome he Invented

LBL Duncan Burns with Jane & VeggiDomes

Jane Velez-Mitchell and Duncan Burns with their VeggiDomes


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