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Why This NFL Player Has Gone Vegan!
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Why This NFL Player Has Gone Vegan!

#JaneUnChained LIVE at the amazing, plant-based gourmet restaurant Au Lac DTLA. In this salon, Tennessee Titans football star Derrick Morgan explains how he’s gone vegan with his astounding wife Chef Charity Morgan, who is Cordon Bleu trained! Hear their amazing story! For More:

Vegan Tennessee TitansDerrick Morgan’s wife Chef Charity Morgan, a Cordon Bleu trained chef, whips up a Stupendous Super Bowl Dip with vegan “Bae’con” and vegan cheese! As it bakes, she tells us how she’s making plant-based meals for her hubby’s fellow football players and they’re loving it! In this recipe: Sweet Earth Foods“Benevolent Bacon” & Kite Hill vegan cream cheese! For more:


See Also
Alice & Friends owner Mun Wong in the kitchen.

27368790_10215537756419811_9149196710890687611_oPosing with fans after their well received salon! 


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