This measure recognizes both the animal welfare concerns, and public safety concerns of circuses and other traveling shows that force wild or exotic animals to perform. Wild animals are innately driven to behave as they would in their natural homes—the rich ecosystems in which their species evolved over millennia. When they’re denied any semblance of a natural life, they suffer physically and psychologically. Wild and exotic animals also pose an inordinate danger to public safety. Those who feel threatened or frightened act on their natural instincts—and when a bear, big cat, or elephant rebels, trainers can’t always protect themselves or the public. Dangerous interactions with captive wild and exotic animals have resulted in dozens of human deaths and catastrophic injuries.
State Senator Ben Hueso, 40th Senate District
Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Koretz of the Fifth District
Joaquin Phoenix, actor
Alicia Silverstone, actress
Gianna Simone, actress
Lisa Bloom, attorney
Roger Wolfson, L.A. Animal Services Commissioner
Lucy Davis, actress
Lisa Lange, PETA (bill sponsor)
Judie Mancuso, Social Compassion in Legislation (bill sponsor)
Katie Cleary of World Animal News speaks in favor of the bill Photo by: Patrizia Barretto
JaneUnChained was LIVE for the whole news conference Photo by: Patrizia Barretto
Lisa Lange of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals spoke about why PETA is one of the sponsors of the bill, along with Social Compassion in Legislation Photo by: Patrizia Barretto
A ton of mainstream news media showed up at the news conference Photo by: Patrizia Barretto
Judie Mancuso of SCIL stands before State Senator Ben Hueso and L.A. City Counsel Member Paul Koretz to launch the Circus Cruelty Prevention Act legislation Photo by: Patrizia Barretto
Jane Velez-Mitchell blows a kiss to Joaquin Phoenix to thank him for all he does for animals Photo by: Patrizia Barretto
Katie Cleary has been at the forefront of fighting for wild animals Photo By: Andreas Knuttel of Dynamic Eye Studios
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.