Raw Brussels Sprouts Salad by the Silver Chic Chef, Elysabeth Alfano

Oh, ain’t not thing! It’s Raw Brussels Sprouts Salad by the Silver-Chic Chef, Elysabeth Alfano!
It doesn’t get any easier than this simple, delicious salad! Check this no fuss, super healthy, no oil, hearty salad to please loads of people while taking less than 10 minutes. Elysabeth serves this a lot at dinner parties or picnics because it is so easy. It holds up well in summer heat, too and travels easily.
1 pound of Brussels Sprouts, cleaned with end nub cut off.
1 can of garbanzo beans.
Red Wine Vinegar
Dijon Mustard
Cut Brussels Sprouts in two and chop in food processor. Place in bowl.
Drain Garbanzo Beans and KEEP the Aquafaba. Set arride.
In separate bowl, combine Aquafaba, 1 HUGE heaping tablespoon of Dijon Mustard, 2 Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar Salt/Pepper to taste. Mix.
Combine with Brussels Sprouts and garbanzo beans. Mix. Taste. Salt and Pepper as needed. Squeeze half a lemon on top on when you are ready to serve. Mix. Serve.
You can find Elysabeth on FB here, where she also hosts The Awesome Vegans Podcast and Video Series.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.