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New Day New Chef Vegan Cooking Show On Amazon Prime Video
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New Day New Chef Vegan Cooking Show On Amazon Prime Video

new day new chef party

You all must have heard by now of New Day New Chef, the popular new vegan cooking show now streaming now on Amazon Prime Video. And, the show is coming to Public Television stations around the nation this spring. This cooking show is like nothing you have seen before.  It is filled with celebrity chefs, athletes, great food, and so much fun.  Ever heard of a “blender dance?”  Neither had I, but I quickly found out what it was after watching New Day New Chef….and now I’m doing it all the time in the kitchen.  Watch New Day New Chef and find out what it is.  It’s a show filled with laughter, compassion, dance moves, and so much more.  All recipes are simple to make, delicious, and of course, vegan.

The launch party for New Day New Chef was so much fun.  This group of vegans knows how to partayyyy!  We celebrated the success of JaneUnChained’s newest venture, a vegan cooking show on Amazon Prime Video.  This is such a huge success, as now vegan cooking is available to everyone, with just one click.  It shows how easy and delicious it is to be vegan, and how fun it can be.  Check out these videos for a sneak peek into the launch party for New Day New Chef.







New Day New Chef is a fun, plant-based 8-part series hosted by renowned activist and TV personality, Jane Velez-Mitchell.   Audiences are treated to a variety of recipes, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners and healthy snacks created by both celebrities and well-seasoned cooks.  New Day New Chef offers a unique twist to traditional cooking shows. Each episode has a new co-host, new chefs and a fresh panel of taste testers to sample the delicious dishes!  From Olympic medalists to movie stars and even a yoga master, this cooking show is like no other!  Meet all the chefs and co-hosts below, and don’t forget to check out the New Day New Chef website where you can find all the recipes that were made on the show.

Follow New Day New Chef on Social Media!  And share your New Day New Chef creations! Make sure you tag  @NewDayNewChef or use the hashtag #NDNC on all of your food posts! 

New Day New Chef is produced by the Jane UnChained News Network, a 501c3 organization whose mission is to educate through media.

The cast of New Day New Chef is so full of talent.  Not only talent in cooking but talent in so many other genres.  Let’s meet the crew that helped make New Day New Chef the success that it is.



I know you are all eager to see some photos from this amazing launch party for New Day New Chef.  The personalities are great and as mentioned the talent is stellar.  Check it out…


New day New Chef
Jane Velez-Mitchell and Dani Rukin.


New Day New Chef
Darbi Gwynn


Sahar Belle New Day New Chef
Sahar Belle.


New Day New Chef
Jane Velez-Mitchell and Elysabeth Alfano.


Donna Dennison New Day New Chef
Donna Dennison A.K.A @ThatSnarkyVeganGirl


New Day New Chef
Paige Parsons-Roache and Meira Geyser


Simone and Otep New Day New Chef
Simone Reyes and Otep Shamaya.


Chef Babette New Day New Chef
Chef Babette.


Ally Iseman Sean Hill New Day New Chef
Ally Iseman and Sean Hill.


New Day New Chef
Dani Rukin, Renee Marinkovich, Elysabeth Alfano.


Lori Allen New Day New Chef
Lori Allen.


See Also
Chef AJ book Sweet Indulgence

Katie Cleary New Day New Chef
Katie Cleary.


New Day New Chef
Jane Velez-Mitchell and Carissa Kranz.


new day new chef party
Many of the cast members on New Day New Chef.


New Day New Chef
Lori Allen and others posing for a photograph.


Cesar Asebedo and Ellen Dent.


We would also like to thank the AMAZING companies that donated food and drink for the launch party.  Daiya Foods & No Evil Foods donated delicious grub! Priam Vineyards, Chateau Elan Winery & ResortChristie Brinkley’s Bellissima ProseccoBroadland WineriesORE 118 gin & Lingua Franca wine also donated.  BevVeg Vegan Certification arranged the vegan wine donations! BevVeg has a comprehensive searchable alcohol database available at  Download the free app and make sure you’re drink is not filtered through animal parts.  Download on GOOGLE PLAY or APPLE IOS.


Delicious Daiya and No Evil food spread, generously donated.


New Day New Chef Donors
The fabulous beverage companies that donated to the New Day New Chef launch party.


Carissa Kranz New Day New Chef
Carissa Kranz showing off one of the wine donors bottles and the BevVeg certification symbol at the New Day New Chef launch party.


Be sure to head over to Amazon Prime and watch New Day New Chef’s first season!  You won’t be disappointed.  If you love it, please feel free to write a review and share it far and wide on social media.  Let’s spread the word together and show the world how easy, fun, healthy, and compassionate cooking can be.  JaneUnChained thanks you for all your continuous support and we hope you enjoy the show!



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UnchainedTV is part of the JaneUnChained News Network, a 501 c-3 non-profit, EIN number 82-3892784. UnchainedTV is your go-to free streaming network for entertaining and eye-opening shows. Our mission is to entertain and enlighten with a mix of original series, cooking shows, documentaries, and unique content that explores health, sustainability, and ethical living. Tune in and unchain a more sustainable and compassionate world for all.