Joaquin Phoenix is Featured in LA Animal Save Billboard Campaign!

Even though vigils have been canceled due to the recent Coronavirus pandemic, the movement must go on! It’s out there on display stronger than ever in this new print ad campaign launched by The Animal Save Movement groups, Los Angeles Animal Save and Animal Alliance Network! They are so proud to have been able to make this dream campaign with their amazing advertising firm and ally, 10K Advertising. The firm even produced the professional graphics by designer Rob Costello for at no charge and gave the groups a free bonus billboard!

The images on the Los Angeles Animal Save billboard featuring Joaquin are masterfully captured by Animal Save Movement photographer Robert (Bobby) Sud. This billboard evokes emotion as Joaquin peers into the truck with a baby pig sitting innocently looking back to us on the other side. The caption reads “SAVE ANIMALS, GO VEGAN.” Nothing could be more true. Bobby also took the photo for the bench featuring a chicken at the vigils he organizes for Los Angeles Animal Save outside of a chicken slaughterhouse. Sarah and Darren Hendry of the Hendrys Event Photography also lent their talents int the form of a powerfully captured image of a pig on one of the trucks they bore witness to, which is featured on the bench for Animal Alliance Network. That particular bench asks the viewer to see the “TRUTH BEHIND BACON” in the eyes of this unfortunate creature. Hopefully, these thought-provoking images will help people open their eyes to the fact these beings only had the misfortune of being born into a society that has collectively failed to see the error of their ways by consuming them.

Attend a weekly vigil with Los Angeles Animal Save on Sundays and with Animal Alliance Network on Wednesdays.
Connect with your local Animal Save Movement chapter to attend a vigil and get involved.
Reach out to 10K Advertising and their nonprofit ad page Campaigns 4 to see more of the amazing ads they’ve done!