Lion Ark: Streaming on UnchainedTV

Lion Ark: The Incredible Rescue of 25 Circus Lions
Los Angeles – Lion Ark: this award-winning documentary feels more like an action movie, complete with secret missions, undercover operations, intelligence briefings, nerve-wracking confrontations, extremely dramatic rescues, and high-speed races against time. But, unlike most action movies, this plot revolves around real life or death… for lions. And, you can watch it right now, because this highly acclaimed film is streaming for free on UnchainedTV. Just click below to watch now!
The Lions Are the Stars of this Movie!

More on Operation Lion Ark!
The ADI team spent years working undercover in South American circuses. The cruel treatment they exposed sparked such an uproar, Bolivia enacted a ban on animals in circuses. But, some people defied the law and forced animals to perform anyway. That’s where Lion Ark gets underway… on the almost impossible mission to enforce the law and rescue the lions trapped in Bolivian circuses.

Watch as ADI team members pull off one of the most intense animal rescues of all time, including airlifting full-grown lions to safety. Celebrities Bob Barker and Jorja Fox make special appearances, but the documentary saves the best part for last. In the incredible ending, you get to witness 25 lions walk into their new homes at the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado and begin to recover from the abuse. As you see them rolling in the grass, playing and resting, you’ll experience a taste of the exhilaration they feel upon finally achieving a measure of freedom.
Lion Ark Director Tim Phillips points out that the film, while intense, is ultimately a feel-good movie. “We wanted people to experience a frontline animal rescue, both the challenges and the joy. The film tackles a serious issue, but is exciting and leaves people with a smile on their face, knowing they can make a difference as they see the lives of these animals transform.”
While this drama is set in Bolivia, the impact of Operation Lion Ark has been enormous and global. ADI reports that, “Measures to prohibit or limit the use of animals in circuses have already been adopted in 50 countries.” Perhaps most extraordinary, this film shows only a sliver of the efforts by Animal Defenders International, a non-profit organization entirely reliant on donations, to save animals around the world.
Rave Reviews for Lion Ark
“Compelling cinema verité”– The Hollywood Reporter“The feel-good movie of the year!”– Reel Talk“Refreshing”– The New York Times“Five Stars – Unmissable! Born Free with balls on.”– Britflicks“will restore some faith in humanity”–“a consciousness-raising milestone”– The Ecologist“Up-tempo action-adventure of the most thrilling variety: Real-life”,– Stark Insider“Viewers will be crying tears of joy’”International Welfare Examiner“… heartwarming, beautiful and inspirational. It reminds you of the majestic power of documentary filmmaking”– Mondo Film & Video Guide“…thoroughly rewarding”– TV and Film Review“Lion Ark takes an already incredible and unforgettable story and breathes life and passion and transformation into it.” – The Independent Critic“a revealing documentary with a lot of heart.”–Eye For Film“AMAZING! Viewers will be crying tears of joy throughout….”– Renee Snyder, International Animal Welfare Examiner, The Examiner
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Carrie Woods is a writer based in Indiana who comes from a family of journalists.