Animal Rights

Breaking Animal Rights News

While largely ignored by mainstream media in America, animal rights is exploding globally on social media and in the streets of cities around the world. Animal rights is premised on the belief that animals are entitled to their own lives, are not property, and do not exist to be exploited by humans for food, clothing, cosmetics, medical research, entertainment, or any other purpose.

At UnchainedTV, we uncover the latest in animal rights news, vegan news, and fashion, and share delicious recipes from vegan chefs. Our mission is to shine a spotlight on the ethical treatment of animals and the growing movement against animal cruelty. This movement is especially focused on modern, industrialized animal agriculture, where factory farms and slaughterhouses subject tens of billions of animals to violent, routine abuse and murder in a system of institutionalized sadism.

As an animal rights activist, you can learn what you can do to help animals by watching our comprehensive and engaging content. Discover how veganism plays a crucial role in reducing animal suffering and promoting wildlife conservation. Our shows feature in-depth investigations into factory farming, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the horrors that occur within these facilities. You’ll also find compelling stories and documentaries about the fight against animal testing and the push for more ethical treatment of animals in all aspects of society.

Join us as we explore the impact of animal rights activism on global consciousness. From street protests to social media campaigns, the movement is growing, and you can be a part of it. UnchainedTV offers a platform for activists to share their stories, strategies, and successes in the battle for animal rights. Learn about the latest legislative efforts to improve animal rights laws and how you can get involved in advocating for stronger protections.

Don’t miss out on our exclusive interviews with leading animal rights activists and experts who are at the forefront of this important movement. Get inspired by their dedication and find out how you can make a difference. Tune in to UnchainedTV today and take the first step towards a more compassionate and ethical world. Together, we can help end animal cruelty and promote a sustainable, vegan lifestyle that benefits all living beings.

Brave the Cage and Make Follow Your Heart Vegan Quiche! EVERYTHING Can be Veganized!!!

  #OneVeggieAtATime with Antoinette Westcott and Crystal Rose Kozlak cooking a Vegan Quiche from the #FollowYourHeart vegan egg. Wow now I’ve seen everything veganized. This is amazing and it’s amazing how Crystal does outreach with an Animal Place Sanctuary using a cage for people to get into!

They are Just Babies, Brought into this World to Die! Why?

  #JaneUnChained LIVE at a pig slaughterhouse near downtown Los Angeles, California! These innocent pigs, who have the intelligence of toddler humans, are shipped to die here! They have traveled without food or water for long distances! Why all this killing?

Sanctuary Soledad: Young Activists on a Mission to Save Animals!

#JaneUnChained LIVE from The Sanctuary at Soledad Goats in sunny Mojave, Ca. is a former dairy farm that made the compassionate choice to give it all up and become a vegan animal sanctuary in 2015. The Sanctuary at Soledad Goats has rescued and secured over 400 animals from abuse, neglect, slaughter, and the dairy/egg industries.

DXE: HUGE Animal Liberation March and Die In!

Video Courtesy of Direct Action Everywhere!   DXE LIVE: “1,000 + activists are taking to the streets with the 501c3 nonprofit organization Direct Action Everywhere (DXE).  Smoke flares, animal masks, and a massive die in, all demanding animal liberation in one generation” They chant “Human Freedom, Animal Rights!

Biggest Cube of Truth… EVER!!!

  #JaneUnChained was LIVE in San Francisco, California  2 months ago, at the largest Cube of Truth event ever, organized by Anonymous for the Voiceless (AV). It peacefully confronts the public with the horror that is animal agriculture! Paul Bashir, the co-founder and director, kicks off the wild day!

Don’t Look Away: The Save Movement Documentary That Asks You to Come Closer…

Video Courtesy of Toronto Pig Save on YouTube 2015   Don’t look away… The Save Movement’s co-founder Anita Kranjc, is making a documentary tentatively named “Bear Witness” that is about activism at the places where animals are hurt and killed.

You Can Help End Dog Meat Forever!

JaneUnChained was LIVE outside LA’s South Korean consulate, at a Last Chance for Animals (LCA) protest with Hollywood icon Kim A. Basinger against South Korea’s horrific dog meat season underway NOW!

YOU can end the horror! Just sign this government sponsored petition:
We need 13,000 more signatures by 7/23 to guarantee a reply.

VeganEvan: The Kid Animal Rights Activist Who Is Wiser than Most Adults!!!

#LunchBreakLIVE with VeganEvan – Animal Hero!!! At first glance, he may appear to be just another cute kid, but he is so much more! The 7 year old, award winning activist/rapper, his mom Shannon, and grandma Lynn joined us for a lunch of Tofurky with Follow Your Heart mayo alternative!

Au Lac Restaurant: Upscale Plant-based Restaurant Bringing the Activist Community Together!

  #JaneUnChained LIVE as dozens of animal activists gather at Au Lac DTLA, a gourmet vegan restaurant! These activists are engaged in a weekly meet-up dinner prior to going to a pig slaughterhouse 15 minutes from downtown Los Angeles! There they will bear witness to innocent, baby pigs and try to comfort them as they head to their deaths!

Yummm! Healthy Vegan Mac & Cheese Balls with Butch Home Ec!

  #LunchBreakLIVE with Moore Beicwraig aka Moore Rhys of Butch Home Economics & Jasmin Singer of Our Hen House & VegNews Magazine making Astounding Air Fried MacNCheese Balls! Less oil or no oil makes this final outcome even healthier! Either way, it’s delicious!